low pressure oil pump blown up


Aug 26, 2009
So I was working on a truck the a few weeks ago, was a no start died on the highway. It had no ICP pressure, and no oil pressure(low pressure). So i got into the oil pump and found it in pieces and the timing cover cracked from when it blew. Is this comon or did I just come across a bad pump?
It seems to be fairly common but from what I have read its mainly on higher RPM/fluidamper equipped trucks.
Can you give some information on the truck?
Did it have a Fluidampnr on it?
What year of truck was it?
What was the owner doing when it happened?

If it's an '03, I will have a front cover, and a set of gears for you...mine are still on my engine right now, but i am changing to the newer front cover/water pump, and have already bought Elite's billet LPOP gear set. PM me if interested.
may want to check the lifters we had one of them come apart or the needle bearings in one. same deal shut off going down the highway lpop destroyed, screen under oil cooler collapsed, ipr screen broke, hpop dead.
Its a 05 f450, I think he huals a big horse trailler with it. As far as mods he has a edge juce with atitude, heads studs that have been in for over a year when I did the headgaskets. Hes kinda farmer and I don't really think hes beating his truck that hard just hauling big loads. he has no fluid damper on it. We replaced the cover and pump, price wasn't bad under $400 for a kit from ford, and did an oil change, flushed some though the oil filter houseing and cleaned the oil filter houseing(wich I didn't find any steel in for some reason) truck still wouldn't start, pulled the ipr, screen had steel on it, so i changed the hpop and started, but had a miss, so we did two injectors on one side and it runs okay now, but could probably use one more injector on the other side. Oh and about ten min after it was running at idle the turbo started squeling really bad so I changed that too. I'm really wondering if the oil filter really works that well lol. It may be a lifter, but if the lifter was worn baddly enouf too spit out steel the truck should thump out the intake i would think. I had a used engine i installed do that from initial startup, that one had the filters bearing in tact, but the rolller and cam lobe were wore right out. That was fun to change lol. I sure hope the engines bearings didn't get any shrapnal in them.
What is his practice on oil change frequency and choice of oil and filters?
I didnt even try and fight it and got a used engine and put it in. Figured it would never get all the metal out and it would just be a tail chasing game.
well if it was me and i knew that metal would get everywhere i would drop a differnt engine in. This is the first time i've seen this problem. I think he had a wix filter on it, not sure on the oil change schedual. I think this guy should trade his truck in lol.