Lycoming County Fair Pull July 20, 2013


New member
Jul 22, 2013
I already posted under the NADM forum, but wanted to throw this out here as well. Thanks to all of the pullers that turned out on saturday night. I am going to get the results posted on here also. I also wanted to extend the invitation to the pullers that turned out for the show for next year and get som ideas what it may take for you to make the trip again next year. In our 4th year of doing this event, it has gradually been better every year, and I would like to continue the success and the high caliber of pullers that we mangaged to get this year as well. I am open to any and all ideas and I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks again.
Good job, came up from Numedia to watch after the pulls got rained out in Numedia. Seemed very organized and very consistant track maintenance. Plenty of parking for all the guys with trucks and trailers which is a huge convienence nowadays with most of your trucks getting towed everywhere and there not packed ontop of eachother like sardines.

How many additional trucks did you guys end up receiving.
Was a very good Pull and very organized, especially for have the amount of trucks dumped on them unexpectedly, every one there was super nice, they were glad to have us and we were glad to be there. Some room to grow in the SCALE DEPT but I believe that was crouses scale that were 350lbs off.

So far I have been to 2 "BIG LEAUGE" pulls this year, they were both the biggest cluster fuks and sh1t tracks I have ever been apart of. THis Fair pull put them but to shame.