Manaul 4x4 launching...


Active member
Aug 10, 2006
So. For the first time, with the fuel system up to bar (par, bar. Same thing in this case!), turbo up to par and road conditions up to par (read: moons aligned) my truck hooked on a 3rd gear launch and did not hesitate.

I didn't seem to need 4000rpm or something crazy. 2200-ish, no clutch-boosting, rolled a few foot and let the clutch to the work. Motor stayed around 2200 until full engagement and just rev-gained! :) I do not think my truck has ever got up and left that hard ever. This was noted by the fact that I had to reach a little further to find that damn shifter.

Still can't shift as fast as I used to. something's not right somewhere. 5th and 6th do not like a fast shift. But they can be shifted fast enough with minimal boost loss

I think I'll beat that 13.5@108 from a a few years ago.

I think I'll be ordering that Dr performance launch control box too for sure this year.
Time for an Auto:poke::poke:

I take the G56 of your hands:rockwoot:


Yes it is. We'll see if there's a bonus check in a few weeks. :) Drop the truck off at chris'. Let him finish up a bunch of other stuff too.

nv5600. It's got some cryo'ed parts in side. You're good enough to go though it and replace ware items.
if your feet are big enough try working all 3 pedals at once lol i got my 60' down to 1.76 but then lost 3rd. 4200rpms and 20psi before comeing off the clutch
if your feet are big enough try working all 3 pedals at once lol i got my 60' down to 1.76 but then lost 3rd. 4200rpms and 20psi before comeing off the clutch

I always wondered if that'd work or not.

oh yeah it works but the only thing it still sucks how much time and sometimes boost you loose between shifts i have tried making it work long enough im going manual valvebody auto
oh yeah it works but the only thing it still sucks how much time and sometimes boost you loose between shifts i have tried making it work long enough im going manual valvebody auto


manual valve body is next on my list at some point

First time I did a 4wd launch I pulled it out of gear cause the seat broke in my friends truck. I ran a 22
Whats a Manaul? LOL Sorry Jason. I know you'd kick me if given the chance..