milling the plenum

Two posts and wtf are you trying to do? First a cr head with work and this post,

What are you trying to do? Atleast
Introduce yourself noob
sorry guys my name is garrett cole for south east oklahoma and im building two trucks at once i am a metal fabricator and was going to do machine work and build the plenum myself
Two posts and wtf are you trying to do? First a cr head with work and this post,

What are you trying to do? Atleast
Introduce yourself noob

Hey Jack ass why don't you try and be helpful instead of trying to be a big bad 5th grader picking on a 1st grader. Its loosers like you that make this site so sh!tty.

OP you don't have to introduce yourself to ask a question. About your question: try doing a search on here, there is alot of info on what you want to do and quite a few shops can do it for you if you don't feel comfortable with it.
Well iv looked into the zz intakes but I don't have the pocket book for one at this time and on the other hand I have all the resouces to do it myself just not the knowledge so pretty much what I'm wondering is tips from someone who has been down the road
Most use a bandsaw to chop the plenum off and then mill it flat.. i'll find you a link to a thread I started.. lots of good info in there.
Make sure you mill it with a 5 degree included angle, otherwise you will struggle with sealing up the bottom of the flange.
Thank u guys the links and the tips have helped a lot ill post picks when I get it set up on then boring mill