Ms. Misery wrecks at battle of the states.

Dam that sux, I know what is like to hit the wall, glad he is okay. Any video?
Awesome machine to say the least. We went up and made a few masses today. I got to see him make one pass in Miss Misery. The track sucked. My truck spun pretty bad, so you can image what kind of time the outlaw guys were having. Saw a mustang eat the wall earlier today. Everybody was skating on the other end.
That truck was seriously badazz. Even cooler he said he was already making plans to rebuild it.
Man that sucks. That truck was bada$$ for sure. Doesn't look like there is much left from the pics.
Those outlaw cars are gnarly enough that you can crash on any given track, and word of mouth was this one was worse than most. He still ran a 4.77 hitting the wall which would have been the #1 qualifier at the time. Going to be tough getting the truck back together, but hopefully he'll get some help from fellow racers.
Darn, mixing slicks & drag radials the wrong way? :badidea:
BTW, there is a thread on YB where people are donating to Bobby & Lisa to help get the truck back together. As far as the drag radial & slicks, they are trying a lot of different things to try to get it to handle better. They're in completely uncharted territory here, and some pioneers end up with arrows in their backs! I met them at PRI in December, and Bobby remembered me from this forum. We chatted a while, and they are two of the nicest people you would ever want to meet. They are a low-buck team, and have built this truck up themselves. Thankfully Bobby wasn't hurt beyond being a little banged up and bruised, and they are already working on rebuilding it.

Michael Pliska