Need a little info on a 12v piston..


5th gear killer
May 14, 2008
ive been looking around and havent been able to find out any info on these pistons i have. here are the part numbers on them: 3802100

if someone wouldnt mind letting me know what the specs are on these pistons, id really appreciate it!
Thanks Smokem. Found a little more info on the mahle part number. So going off of what I read, I will be able to advance the timing a few degrees with these pistons, correct?
Sure? Hard to say when I don't know anything about what you are doing.
well... as of now im just trying to plan what to do with this 12 valve stuff i have LOL.. im doing a little research on the parts i currently have stashed away.. while i was in my shed, i found these and wanted to find out a little more info on them.. i traded a guy a smarty for these.

what i want to do is build up this engine for drag racing purposes. ive got an 88 chevy id like to put it in. wanting to run an auto behind it.
i currently dont have any injectors for it, so thats kinda why i was researching these pistons. im wanting to find out what my options are that i can use with these..

for now, i have a stock bore 12v block. stock crank. the head ill need to send in for machine work, and thinking of milling the intake off.. not too sure yet on turbo size.. probably going to run a Hamilton cam..
these are a few of my ideas i have floating around in my head..

RPM goal? Fuel only? When you decide what charger to run, How many blades will the turbine utilize? A lot of variables need to be addressed before taking a guess at static advance and what nozzle to run.
hey Ronnie how have you been??

wanting to run around the 5000 rpm mark.. wanting to run fuel only to begin with, but need to keep no2 in the works.. now turbine blades, im not too sure about what i want to run there... i have tossed around the idea of running a larger set of compounds... but may end up with a t4 based single LOL
Been great, staying busy with work and the little one. How have you been?

If your wanting 5k then the 180 P7100 needs to be used. Depending on the turbine side of the charger will depict what you can sustain rpm wise. I would simply run an s400 as you can get them cheap. 5x0.018-5x.022", 34°-38° static with a 140° cone angle depending on compressor size.