NHRDA ATS Diesels On The Mountain Results


New member
Feb 19, 2008
The ATS Diesels on the Mountain was a record breaking weekend and one thing we learned was never under estimate the weather and the mountain when you are in Colorado.

The Friday night sled pulls were almost cancelled after a storm decided to dump a 1/2 of inch of rain at 5 pm and when the lightning started up we also had to shut down the Dyno for safety, but the crazy Colorado weather did us a favor and the sun was back out and after 2 hours of non stop work on the track we made over 50 hooks. The highlight of the night was when Tom Hansen won the 3.0 class and regained the lead in the National points chase.

Saturday morning we woke up to clear and sunny skies and it was time for some drag racing and talk about a star studded line up in the staging lanes. We had National record holders in both Pro Street and Super Street classes on the premises but with the racetrack being a mile high we had to see who could get their tuning dialed in for the elevation.

Complete event results click here...
