NHRDA Drag Racing 101

That was pretty funny.

Now post a video of your actual 1/4 mile run!
Off topic, what kind of camera do you use? That was pretty good quality picture and sound.
Off topic, what kind of camera do you use? That was pretty good quality picture and sound.

A Gopro that I just received the day before. It was on the average exposure instead of center-weighted since I was really just trying to capture the gauges on the dash. The track video looks washed out, but I think will really improve when I change the settings. They also come with an open back and a closed back housing doors. That was the closed one that is supposed to be better for open air (not in cab).

I have 3 of them to mess around with, I hope to get some good vids.

BTW, anybody looking for one....overstock.com has a very good price + their coupon codes.
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I have been considering a GoPro to play around with. I was wondering if that's what you were using. I'll have to check out Overstock. Where do you get the coupon codes?
Just google "overstock.com coupon codes" and go to their link. It's so much off of each purchase amount ($10 off $xxxx, $15 off $yyyy, etc)
What did you pay for the gopro? We have been selling them to the compd guys for 250.
LOL, the track crew up there is still a wee bit inexperienced. Kind of opposite issues from Redding last week. The track at Redding is pretty crappy, but the guys working it seem to know what they are doing. Spokane is a great track, and they are even fixing the few things wrong (potholes in the pit roads, etc), but the track crew is still learning the ropes. I swear in the bracket classes the starter was trying to see how quickly he could start the tree as soon as both trucks had their stage beams on. That made it a bit hairy to be a slower truck trying to deep stage! On the other hand, on my 1st qualifying pass in Dirtymax he held the tree for a while once I was fully staged and spooled. Looking at the datalog it looks like I was sitting there for about 4 seconds fully spooled before launching, but I swear it seemed like a minute!