Ohio/PA Dyno day


New member
Mar 16, 2010
anyone know of any coming up? I'll have my new injectors next week and would like to see how they do

if there aren't any would anyone want to help set on up? I have at least 3 or 4 buddys who want to dyno soon too
Make it mid winter!!! I'll be up for that. Any one know of one coming up?
me and a few friends are going to try and plan a day at sarver automotive.

lookin like we are gonna have over 10 trucks now so we need to make more than a phone call.
Sarver is a litle south east of Butler. Where Lernerville speedway is.
Orange nv let me know if you get it together up at sarver. I havent dynod this 475 yet.
i need to order my clutch put it in, then tune again. i had a few problem but i believe i got them all worked out. we gotta picka date and that way it will make me get a move on finishing it. how bout after x mas, cause people are usually busy until then, maybe mid january. or we could wait till march....
May as well wait till march, gets a touch warmer and hopefully guys wont have to drive in snow etc to get there. Wont make a mess of Sarvers shop as bad either. I think im going to send my injectors out after xmas anyways.
just got off the phone with the owner of sarver automotive.....

basically it 100 bucks a truck for a 9-5 day that we pick anytime we want. so 8 trucks would be $800, 10 trucks would be $800, 800 gets split by however many trucks, just would have to be carefull of how much time we get on the dyno with more trucks-for people who want to adjust and run again.

what he did tell me was if he gets enough prior interest he was thinking about having two dyno days next year, one aound late march-april and the other in june-july. problem is he needs a stack piping setup to get the smoke outside so we can all stand inside in march and not be smoked out.

dont know if we need to start an official thread so we can track the interest. i know me and btp and 2 others are in for the march/april day.

if you guys want a nice whole dyno day with prizes and shirts and all in late march/april speak up now and tell all your buddies so we can get enough trucks to make a worthwhile day for everyone.
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I'm in whenever.
I could hang a sign up here at the shop if they want.
he said as long as he gets enough interest he will post a date.

also he has to invest in an exhaust stack to get the soot out while we are all standing inside on a cold march day. he said it was expensive and he would be willing to buy it if he got enough trucks.

snedge maybe you have access to parts for making exhaust flues......?
I'm in!

I'll bet you can easy get 15+ trucks. Btw what dyno?
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if we get enough trucks there will be prizes as well.
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im not waiting that long, back to topic we are looking to dyno soon. next few weeks