oiled filter cleanser of choice?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Just spent 20 minutes or so with a wide variety of cleansers cleaning my afe cone filter. Wondering what is the preferred cleanser here on the board? there has got to be something that gets the job done better, in less time. Gasoline crossed my mind, but didn't do it. Re oiuled and re installed, but now wondering what others use. If I weighed my filter first, I bet I washed out half a pound of junk. Heading out to listen to my turbo's sing the song of their people now, i'll check back later.
i use the K&N cleaner on all brands, and use the K&N oil as well. The key is to not over-apply the oil after it's dry.
I use the AFE cleaning soap and oil, but Ive also used the K&N stuff too. I cant see a diff between them. I found that the cleaner isnt super great with any of them. Ive also tried SimpleGreen and it worked pretty good maybe better then the others.I didnt have to go back and reapply it as much it seemed.
I think soaking it with purple power in hot water worked the best for me..
Then oil appropriately..