please help!

diddo with the block not being flat and striaght. if your sure it hasnt been scraped and the head is good and striaght.
this is where i wonder about that... when the head gasket blew it did it in a very mild fashion, leaking oil out of the front. it wasnt blown where its currently leaking, why would it seal up fine where it used to leak beforehand and now leak somewhere else... what explains that.. idk im just lost right now, going to pay my buddy to do this, im done with the head ache
im with you on that im lost just gotta cover the basics then if you have to then you have tear it apart hate to say that it may even be a defective gasket. good luck man hope it works out for ya
10 4 thanks , ill just let my buddy tear into it and get it done.. i dont wanna take anymore chances.. its my dd i need this thing back up!!