Pulltown Results?

I thought they were scheduled for sat at 6:30 and sun at noon?
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Youre right. Thanks. I was reading it on my phone. Thought it started tonight for some reason.
Kent won, van second, I think atley third. Track sucked big time. Watched Wayne catch air under his front end.
I read that Kent, Van , and Matt Clemons made it into the pull off. But it looks like Van and Matt didn't make there pull off hook. Anyone know why? Breakage? Or just hot trucks.
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Matt's truck was hot and may have had an injector issue, vans truck didn't want to get off the line and was acting like it was loaded up or cold.
Today Matt won, Shane second, Kent third, Kyle fourth, and Van was fifth.
The track was pretty tore up last night but what do you expect after running 60+ 2 wheel drives. They are hard in the track.
Thanks Chris. Looks like Matt's truck is running great right from the get go. Congrats to Kent on his win Saturday and Matt on his win Sunday.

Chris on a side note that machine of yours is incredible, what a work of art. I can't wait to see that thing run.