Reading the Track


New member
Jun 12, 2010
I'm helping a friend out with pulling this year and its our first year pulling other than the occasional county fair. I was wondering what you guys look for when reading the track. I've searched the forums and got a few ideas but I was wondering if you pros had any other tips you wouldn't mind sharing. It seems to me you would want to stay towards the harder portions of the track. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Holes, dips, ruts, soft spots(sled wheels sinking)powder, marbles, slopes.
Pay attention to the sled. Sometimes a sled operator will pull up and back up to the starting line before the first truck hooks. This will show any soft spots. Check where the sled is setting, it's not always level.
Other then the obvious stuff already mentioned, find out who are the top trucks are and watch them typically the leader of the class reads it the best. If you hook first then you will need to decide for yourself but you can learn a ton about the track by watching the rest of the trucks in the class. Until you feel confident choosing your own line