S&R Diesel Concepts 4th Annual Memorial Weekend Truck Pulls

I stopped by the fairgrounds to check on the track. It was under water two days ago. Today.....It's coming along nicely....no standing water. Scott started moving dirt to build the track......Looks like we have a good week-end coming for the pulls.
I am loaded and ready!
its painted that why, its sunset metallic orange.. guy i bought it form was big in to harleys
From the feedback I'm getting, this is going to be huge!!

Hope to make it next year.
Too bad haisley's doesn't have my clutch done. Would of had a 3.0 truck there this weekend.
Scott has been in farmin, I've been wrenching. We both lost lots of sleep and are behind in our work. In my spare time I have been trying to cure Cancer and end world hunger. I will try to take care of posting the whatever from the thingy as soon as I can.........My back hurts from cleaning up the fairgrounds after the pulls. The trash was not to bad....lots of Blue and silver cans in one area. A few glass bottles some broken....Budlight w/lime..YUCK
Remember someone has to clean that stuff up.
Side note had a meeting with NADM after the pulls....good things coming..stay tunned.
I can't stand people that have to just toss their trash down and let it go wherever. I mean it's not that hard to shove an empty beer bottle back into the cooler upside down and chuck it when you pass a trash/recycle bin.

I can't imagine what the stands under ORP will look like next week.
The beer cans were not that bad (less one spot). The things I hated picking up....dirt diapers....Yes, I found some, Thats way the diaper bag is for....and spit cups, most of them were in the stands...half were knocked over and running off the stands......I don't want someones fuilds on me. I will say every year the trash problem gets better. We are doing a better job with the trash cans. The crowd is getting better at getting to the trash cans. This year three of us cleaned the grounds in less than two hours. The first year it took 8 of us 3 hours. That is a fairly large inprovment.
Hey.. Im sorry my drinking team has a pulling problem.. Suggestion......... Put us a dumpster next to our area of parking/partying hahahaha