SDX and the local community


Supporter of Diesel Power
Dec 5, 2008
I attended Scheid all three days. Hats off the them for organizing and promoting a great show. Lots of events, good pulling, drag racing and large crowds. Thanks to the vendors as well. Thank you Vigo County Fairgrounds and Terre Haute Action Track. Thank you as well to the supporters, racers, pullers and attendees.

That being said, I'll cover a topic that I think needs addressed. Its my own opinion on the behavior of idiots and morons. Perhaps most of them don't even read forums like this. Or TDR or Diesel Place and others. Perhaps most of them don't even pay for their nice trucks. Maybe mom and dad do. Or their entire paycheck goes to the truck...and not kids and taxes like mine does. needs to be said.

This show HAS to be on the radar of local officials to be unsupported in 2010. If they allow it at the fairgrounds...I'll be suprised. And I can't think of any place close that can support this kind of turnout. You cant have thousands of people where there are no hotels, restaurants and parking. A few are obviously are going to ruin it for many. Pure and simple.

I'm from here. Live here. And work for the local government. I'm personal friends with one of the Action Track promoters. I'm well acquainted with the County Commissioners, Council Members and the sargent of the Terre Haute State Police Post. I know what flys around here. I know who complains about what...and how much. I know what people will tolerate and what they won't. I can tell you...the use of the fair property is borderline next time...if not finished. This is my personal opinion without discussion elsewhere, on my own behalf...and with no input or discussion from Scheid. Just me. And maybe I'm all wrong.

If these jokers who drag race on public highways, sit and loiter on private parking lots fronting highways, belch tons and tons of black smoke in the faces of soccer moms and the general public think that nobody will notice and complain...they would be wrong. Dead wrong. People around here LOOK for something to complain about. And when they start complaining...Indiana's 5th largest city becomes a tiny little country town. People with pull, big time property owners, bank managers and politicians all see what happens here. Because not much really happens here. The local paper showed a truck on the dyno and described it as "Belching out Black Smoke".

The sale of the fairgrounds property was discussed in public last year. An offer was made and the board decided not to sell. The bidder would have built a new fairgrounds elsewhere minus the racetrack and drag strip. The current site would have been a commercial development with malls and stores. But because of the history of the track and was turned down. For now anyway.

Recently...the drag strip has seen bad times. NHRA events used to take place there. But not anymore. Why? I don't know. But the sprint car dirt track is holding out decent. Currently folks complain about the dust and noise late at night. They don't like it. Neither do the businesses. This place used to be far outside of town between corn fields. But, as is obvious, development has taken over and the City is creeping in. So are $$$ sub-divisions. Many high dollar subdivisions are very very close to the fairgrounds. But you don't see them. But they see you

When jokers cover private parking lots in burnout pisses off the owners to no end. When they leave trash its worse. Terre Haute motorists are already on edge with I-70 and SR641 bypass construction slowing everything up. So when it takes 20 minutes to go a mile in Terre Haute...they definately notice the trucks, burnouts, drag racing and black smoke on public roads.

Maybe I'm all wrong. But when I see a guy in a diesel pickup doing a 100' burnout right in front of a State Trooper (whom he didn't know was behind him)...its pretty obvious what the writing on the wall says. And this went on and on and on and on all weekend.

There are some that think the song "Hillbilly Deluxe" and the TV series "Dukes of Hazzard" are real life things. But to the other 99,000 people around here...they aren't. These jokers have been offered a drag strip to burnout on and race...but they won't pay the fee. They just sit outside the fence and watch atop their tall trucks. Then they take it to US41 for free. But at a cost to everyone else. No respect + No sense = No show next year.

At any given time...there might be 3 State Troopers on duty for a 5 county district. Sometimes 1 at night. The Sheriff might have 4-5 people in the south district. Its outside the City limits so city cops don't have to patrol it. But they do a little. Meanwhile there are 1500 other miles of county highways to patrol and 100,000 people who might be doing something to legitimately need cops there. So the cops cant do it all. And having 20 extra cars on patrol isn't going to happen. The overtime is too much and they can't afford it. The duputys at the fairgrounds are there as "private security". Not to patrol the local highways and write tickets all over town.

You can't write tickets on private lots nor in the fairgrounds. They aren't public roads where the laws apply. They are private property. So you know how this place handles this? Get rid of the problem.

That would be a shame for Scheid and everyone else who is here for the reason of the sport. All because of people who's only real intention is to party and drink beer out of the back of their diesel pickups.

There has to be a way to ban them from the fairgrounds. But you'd need vehicle descriptions, plate numbers and volunteer patrol persons. And a list that the gate people would need which would slow things down. Its tough.

But when a County Councilman who also is on the fairground board is there volunteering his time to sell passes as the gate...and he's shaking his head at what he see's...thats not good for the event. The 4H, the fair, car races, quilt shows, boat/rv shows and quarter horse events don't cause these kind of headaches.

This is all just my opinion. My flame suit is on. Have at it.
Was it really that bad this year,I thought it was mild compared to years past.
I agree also, although we where doing some drinking, we never took it anywhere close to some of the people out there.

A kid driving his dads duramax dumped 2 of his buddies out of the bed trying to do a burnout.

Some people need to learn if they want to act like that need to go to a concert or somthing.
Am I seeing a trend here? TS then this. Im sure its the same at the smaller shows also, I know thats how it is around here. People just dont have any respect. It makes me sick to see or here about this crap, and your right there are things we can do to keep some of the dip chits out but it will slow everything down, and cost more money.
Very well put. This is the same thing that happened at IRP, TS. It has been going on since the start, but we are now getting bigger and bigger crowds. Yes they are younger and dont seem to have any respect. But until we start putting a stop to it ourselves its not going to happen. We are going to have to police our own and shut it down.
I won't flame him for the's well thought out and I'm sure correct....but in my eyes the "after" part of the even wasn't nearly as bad as last year.
It wasn't perfect...but it was better. If we can keep it moving in that direction we might actually get this sport to live a while longer.
I guess most of you didnt see some of the things I saw.......

After the pull, for some reason they left the lights on all around the track. We went back after the pull because some one lost their phone. Well we thought she droped it were she was sitting watching the pulls.

Needless to say I drove right into the track. No gate, no security nothing stoping anyone from getting in........

Well needless to say, so HUGE dirty bags with trucks full of people decided to turn the circle track into the Datoyna 500. Numerious truck were flying around the track as fast as they could. To make it even worse, about 20 truck were in the infeild doing doughnuts in the grass.

I mean seriously, how childish and petty do you have to be to think that it is ok to do that? I was totaly embaresed to even have seen it!!!!
Great post. :clap:
This was my first year at SDX, and after TS I thought everyone would try to keep a lower profile in the public eye. I just don't see these big events lasting if big steps aren't taken to improve our image. It's going to be impossible to hold any sizable events in the future if this type of behavior continues to happen. I'm all for having a couple drinks and having a good time with everyone but there has to be some sort of self control. $.02
Excellent post i agree 110%

The extreme disrespect for the community and the fair grounds and everybody that drove hundreds of miles to make this event what it was just p***es me off. At some point this has to stop or we all stand to loose a lot, be it the National events or the sport in general. I am the first to sit down and have a drink or 2 but then again im not going to sit there and get stumbling drunk and go out and tear up somebodies property. We did have a few guys with us that did have to many and they werent allowed to leave our trailers till it was time to head back to the hotels. The concern i have is very rarely did we security and if we did say any thing to the idiots they puffed up and wanted to fight. I will say it again and stand by my comment the alcohol at these big events has to go away and if the only way you will come is if they allow booze, then stay the F*CK home they dont need your white trash azz there to start with.
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thanks for the post, i couldn't agree more. i wasn't sure if i was gonna go, but i'm glad i did, i had an absolute blast. i've been out the last four years in a row and have always considered it to be one of the best shows to go to. this year did seem to be a little calmer on the streets than it did last year but it could be a lot better. i hope this isn't the last year for the show, that would truly be a shame. also, thanks to dan and the crew for awesome weekend.
I would agree. NO ALCOHOL. That would help alot. And BIG fines for offenses on the street. I thought it was a great event. And from what I heard, was better than last year. But it was still like has been said earlier... You can't fix stupid. Lets hope something can be done to keep these events going.
Sh!theads will ruin our hobby, period. Regardless of what there background or where they're from, they are sh!theads, plain and simple. Till someone figures out a way to stop sh!theads from congregating in large packs and consuming alcohol, it's not going to get better. If you have a friend or an acquaintance who is a sh!thead, then leave them at home, and tell them there sh!theadedness won't be appreciated at future events.
Thanks in advance.
I agree 100%. I saw alot of people doing some very dumb things but it seemed to be calmer than what I saw there last year. The police that I saw were letting alot of stupidity go Friday night but on Saturday they seemed to be cracking down alot harder.
You guys say you see it happening, do something about it.

I took the keys from someone in an arctic quad for doing a donut. I gave it to the nearest blue shirt I saw. They called a sheriff over and the guy got a talken to.
I lived in Terre Haute for several years, and I will tell you there are some rich powerful folks in the community that have lots of input on what happens. They like to keep the town a certain way.
I think the behavior on the streets this year seemed much better, but I think they need to move the pulls out of the urban area. I freaking hate driving in Terre Haute any day of the week, the traffic is terrible all the time there. Throw a ton of diesel trucks in there and it makes driving unbearable and it doesn't help that the fairgrounds are 2 blocks from a freaking shopping mall. Now im no county council member just a dumb "kid" with a diesel truck that can see that the fairgrounds needs to move take the old fairgrounds out back and put a bullet in er head. take the big money from the developers and build a better track and strip in the country ,but thats another arguement altogether just my $.02