Simplicity is a great thing.

I don't know what all the Fuss is about this truck?? It's obvious that it doesn't have one of the most Vidal speed parts that all the fast trucks have......A sticker.. thats right having that sticker will shave 2/10 off of your best time .

Just kidding Wes that truck is one sick ride.

wideopen said:
I don't know what all the Fuss is about this truck?? It's obvious that it doesn't have one of the most Vidal speed parts that all the fast trucks have......A sticker.. thats right having that sticker will shave 2/10 off of your best time .

Just kidding Wes that truck is one sick ride.


Its like this.

I'm going to wait until I hit a wall on dropping ETs. Like say a 10.10 Then when I slap on my CompD sticker bam instant 9.90 truck:umno:
Send it my way and I'll get you a pic for the front page with CompD on the ride.

Thanks Mike for the kind words and for the cell. Now I just need time to get out your way for a sunday :Cheer: so I can "test" my suspension on your personal "track."

Amish, Toolman, Ted, Phil thanks for the support as well.

To hell with what one or two morons say...that thing is bad ass.
that thing looks like one mean truck, i like it alot, and i know if you put enough time and effort into it like you seem to be doing, it will pay off in the end vs. someone who just pays to have everything done for them. Congrats man!
I dont like it. It looks faster than mine. :bigsmile:

(Cool truck man! That things gotta be a blast to drive on the street!)
The truck looks great! I know how hard it is to get everything together and finish a project, and even though none of my projects looked as baddd a$$$ as that!

Good job coming from Phoenix!

Wow! Sweet truck! Love the flat black paint . . . Looks mean sitting still . . . Nice work!
wideopen said:
I don't know what all the Fuss is about this truck?? It's obvious that it doesn't have one of the most Vidal speed parts that all the fast trucks have......A sticker.. thats right having that sticker will shave 2/10 off of your best time .

Just kidding Wes that truck is one sick ride.


True that.
I'm impressed.

Not with the sticker...The truck.
Glad we cleared that up.
I put a comp sticker on mine and ended up in a vw! lost my
race, woke up hung over in ky.LOL
Damnit Jeff, You werent supposed to tell anyone LOL
Long time Wes.......glad you're still pluggin' along with the diesel thing. The truck looks sick!!! Keep up the good work!

Jeff, if you said that and your rear end was sore I'd feel sorry for ya.. You were in deliverance country.. :shake:
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I think that truck looks awesome and congrats on putting the time and heart into building it, I'm an old fart but like seeing young people using their time in a constructive manner. You don't owe any moron that gives you grief any explanations for how you got that rig in the condition it's in and I would have gave him a warm glass of shut the hell up :) anyway nice truck.

What kind of times are you looking for just out of curiosity.
Jeff2 said:
I put a comp sticker on mine and ended up in a vw! lost my
race, woke up hung over in ky.LOL

i was going to sport one of those comp d stickers, but after your story i will just put a rainbow one on instead.
gunracer1 said:
i was going to sport one of those comp d stickers, but after your story i will just put a rainbow one on instead.

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :homo: