skills or pure luck

neither, have no skills, or luck posting a workable vid....LOL
ok...linked worked.

again...neither,'s a fake video....I saw it about 2 years ago..

Would be real cool though,..if it was real.

Not sure if it's the video quality and/or lack of peripheral vision due to camera angle not wide enough or I'll never have the personal ability to go as fast as an LMP can go. I sure wasn't able to follow the road and predict the degree of difficulty of each turn. I for sure would of been off the side or in to the side of the mountain.

I'm curious how much of that course is experience knowing each turn vs reading the turn as it happens.

Absolutely amazing skills them those guys have in the prototype cars.
It seems as it is a spot where they do it regularly,..he is probably very familiar with each turn, road surface, and angles.