So who would be at fault if this turned ugly?

They def. have not seen a truck break away from the sled, even though they might be in low range the trucks lunge about 30ft when they break away.
It would def be the track officials fault to keep people off the track.
We always have to announce for people to keep off the guard rails and cables.
Brian isn't the lightest bulb in the box, I once watched his flex pipe hood stack melt in two and fire shoot into the cab, "Ugly" is running better now adays, looks like more of the juice? I see he took his trick hitch out of the bed
I say let Darwinism loose on that crowd. Fu(ktarded doesn't even begin to explain that scene. I am from WV originally and can tell you that stupidity doesn't stop there- that crap could have happened anywhere stupid people populate and reproduce! Everyone is at fault- there should have been barriers, the flagman should have waved him stopped immediately, the driver has no idea how lucky he is to not have killed a bunch of idiots and those idiots don't have the common sense to NOT stand in front of the truck!!!! That's like standing behind the rear tires of a truck on the dyno- dumbas$!
well said thats all i can say well said, i dont live in wv but i do live pretty close to these tards and they have no idea what the consequences could have been they have been sniffing too much nitrous over the years. lol lol lol
I've read enough. I was there and everyone was in the wrong. I've pulled that sled as long as its been around and the wheels don't fold up they are on air bags that inflate when the pan is up and deflate when the pan is down. He's never held the dbrakes on anyone on purpose or left the boat up either for anyone. Yea he should've backed out of it, but those those spectators should have never been there, and barriers should have, the flagged waited to long. It was just a cluster fuk.

B S !!! I have pulled that sled many times and he HAS held the brakes on ME !!! Twice. That sled is a piece and Kenny can;t be trusted to run a fair sled pull. It in not uncommon to pull that sled WAY past 300 ft as it can;t stop anyone.

B V .....well that doesn;t surprise me at all.
B S !!! I have pulled that sled many times and he HAS held the brakes on ME !!! Twice. That sled is a piece and Kenny can;t be trusted to run a fair sled pull. It in not uncommon to pull that sled WAY past 300 ft as it can;t stop anyone.

B V .....well that doesn;t surprise me at all.

I'm not getting in a pi$$in match with you! Your screen name scares me. :hehe:
We have 5 or 6 videos that shows him cheating. Its hilarious to watch. This particular pull the box wasn't half way up the sled when he passed 300'mark. He cheats for the vannest clan which is fine that's the only way they can win. We wont have to worry about him much longer because his sled is kicked out of about every pull around. Its funny to go to a pull his sled is doing because there are no trucks that will hook to him atleast book good trucks.
i thinks its a combo of everyone

Agreed. Least at fault though, I would say the driver. Common sense to shut it down but hes out to do his job. And thats drive!! I'd say whoever covers them with insurance were to see that video. They could kiss it goodbye though!
Agreed. Least at fault though, I would say the driver. Common sense to shut it down but hes out to do his job. And thats drive!! I'd say whoever covers them with insurance were to see that video. They could kiss it goodbye though!

^^^^ what he said. As far as the trash and bash talk that's enough. Mods step in
When Kenny Ball bought that sled, it was set up so that when the weight box is engaged, it disables air to the brakes to eliminate the possibility of the sled operator to cheat anyone. How do I know this? My dad ran that sled back when Lee McIntyre owned it, and helped Lee set it up that way when dad was accused of holding the brakeson a guy.

Horrible idea. You've got to have brakes available at any time because you never know when you need them for safety reasons. That's obviously not a certified sled because NASOA would never let that fly. Part of being a sled operator is that you get accused of hitting the brakes on people, it's just part of life. I run one.
If that had been me running the sled I never would have given the green light until the people were out of the way at the end. Then if he were still headed off the track I would have been on the brakes and hitting the kill switch. The flagman should have stopped him and there should have been some type of barrier to keep people off the track. Like others have said, pretty much everyone is at fault here.
When Kenny Ball bought that sled, it was set up so that when the weight box is engaged, it disables air to the brakes to eliminate the possibility of the sled operator to cheat anyone. How do I know this? My dad ran that sled back when Lee McIntyre owned it, and helped Lee set it up that way when dad was accused of holding the brakeson a guy.

It seems as though i've unintentionally fed y'all a lie. Just talked to dad about it all, and he said Ball only had one of McIntyre's sleds for a couple months, then Ball sold it to someone down south. Dad says Ball used McIntyre's sled as a PATTERN, and built his own. Sorry for the mixup.
Stand up to come in and say you were wrong- thanks, and I wasn't even affected, but I think it was a cool thing to do- good job straightening that out.
I know this thread is going different directions but I just had to comment. In every pull I've been to (which is not very many) the only people that have pit passes/are anywhere near the track are drivers and pit crews... and most everyone is smart enough, especially when the big boys pull, to stand back and be on the lookout and at a respectful distance. IMO there is no reason for half-drunk-looking-for-a-thrill spectators to be anywhere near the track, thats what the stands are for. I would hate for this sport to be disrupted by some unnecessary law suit.
yeah i will call jeff and get them, shouldnt be a problem.

Would appreciate it, like I said earlier, there are a couple fellas making these assumptions and I would just like to see for myself. I have videos but are of poor quality.
Jeff is kinda computer illiterate i am going to kentucky today to finish my truck up and i will be back sunday if he hasnt posted them i will get them and get them to u. It does happen why do u think hes kicked out of all these pulls. Meigs fair board banned him from the grounds forever for melting down rick kiggans twins he was the old r&r rebuilders truck they had a video of the pull and the sled pulled hard from the start and the vannest truck never had any weight behind it. Its funny that brian gets his ass handed to him everywhere he goes on a sled other than balls then he hooks to balls and looks like a genius. lol it is funny and it does sell him parts but its aagravating to put a bunch of money into a truck to have some jackleg pull crap like that. Ask jason jackson hes a vannest guy and he seen it for himself. i will get u the videos.
Kool, I have never paid attention to the sled to tell, I am always watching the truck.