STIFF throttle/ P7100 issue?


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Allright here is what I have going on.

Just installed my NV4500 and the throttle is way too touchy/stiiffff.
It has a hard spot 1/4 throttle and when you hit that its all or nothing.

I took apart the linkages for the rack/ cable assembly and found that the front section moves smooth, cables a smooth and the cruise is not interfearing. The rack/governer end of the P7100 has a stiff spot in its travel.

??? being is there any way to lube or check the spring tension for the gov.??
I lubed the **** out of the outside and the ball ends on the linkage and put on a new return spring, it has helped some but still gives me a lil trouble.
Try a heavy dose like 2 gallons of 2 stroke oil to the fuel tank. If it frees up, your problem is internal in the pump, like a sticky plunger.
yup, just when out and checked it. condition?? I could replace the line.
the 2 stroke oil could be fun, give it a round of KLOTZ mmm smells good.

I've heard of doing the ATF, for lube we do that in the hmmwv's
Trans fluid is NOT good for your pump or injectors.....If that line is leaking it will not push the AFC are out of the way. You could pull the AFC and drive it and see if the problem is gone. If it is you just narrowed down the search.
Mine is stiff till it spools, figured it was from when I heated and stretched the afc spring
It's stiff because the AFC spring is holding the foot and it's resisting the rack arm....when I crank down my starwheel the throttle feels just like yours.
So then Im picturing it correctly?

I had to stretch it so I could delay full fuel till 40-45psi. just increased the tension so it wouldn't move out of the way until 40-45 psi and you had to stretch it so you would get coil bind with the tension you needed.