Support for compd!


Diesel for life.
May 9, 2007
I would just like to thank competitiondiesel for the support of this ministry and growth of. THANKS! I would like to see this forum stay alive and bring hope to everyone in this tring time. Someone told me a few days ago this and think it is a great thought," times are as bad now as they will ever be for a Christian, and the best now they will ever be for a non-Christian". Something to think on!!!!!!!!!!!:thankyou2:
well chrome i would like to think so also.however some people just keep bashing christians any chance they get.we can keep praying for the lost.and yes thank you comp.
It's way more satisfying to be a bashed Christian than a Christian-basher! :Cheer:
James 1:2-4
Count it Pure Joy when the enemy comes against you or when you fall into diverse temptations Knowing this , That the trying of our faith worketh patients. But let patience have her perfectwork,that ye maybe perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

I think this is standup what you guys are doing and would love to be a part of this.
Guys Tim and I just gave you a spot, when Chrome and I first talked about this, I kwew we had to be a part of it. This is a great way to share our faith.

Pray hard!