TDI Power!

Why? If you break something increasing power you'll pay for it, warranty or not. It doesn't make any sense to wait until a warranty is expired to modify an engine.

Because it's the woman's car more than mine and she said so...
more than that though I want to see how the DSG holds up to light towing (two dirt bikes) before I do anything that will void the warranty. I'm having a hard time justifying the cost of the systems as well and all my fab equipment is 1000 miles away.
Here's what 255whp did to a 5-speed VW tranny:
The diff broke, not the transmission. The cross shafts are only held in with a single roll pin. I see it happen even on stock tdi's now and then. Contrary to trucks, vw can't build a decent auto to save their life. So, manuals are the only way to go when you want to make power. Even the dsg's are more of a manual trans than a slushbox auto.

Put a limited slip diff in with arp studs and the 5 speeds will survive a surprising amount of torture. The 6 speeds will take well over 550lb/ft with a limited slip.

Now get some fuel and a proper trans in that thing John! :ft:
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I'm satisfied just fine with my 1.5 tune from Malone and getting 678 miles on a tank in my 05 Jetta TDI.