Teaser pics of my projector retrofit


Soot Sniffer
Apr 30, 2006
Dan from DC Customs sent me this pic last night of my headlights he is retrofitting. He still needs to paint the housing. I can't wait to see the finished product and finally will be able to see at night.
Dan does great work; I'm sure they're gonna look killer when he's done. Did you have him go all LED flashy light, rainbow bright on em too? :poke:
This makes me want to rip mine apart and put the projectors in. Yours are going to look sweet!
I just talked to Dan and we are going to try something custom on these lights, should be interesting to see.
Goin all disco ball, Eric?


"Yeah, it reminds me of arc flash." LOL
I just put LED bulbs in everything that had an incandescent from the factory about a week ago. Projector retrofit is next on the list.
Got the lights installed today. DC Customs did something a little different than the typical retrofit. They installed a dummy projector where the turn signal bulb goes. I'll get some pics with the lights on soon. J
Epilepsy 's a b!tch, aint it Phil? But it's a little more forgivable than my Tourettes when it flares up at church...
BTW, if any of you ever have Amish in the truck with you....Don't, for the love of God drive through the Ghetto in the summer, with the AC broken.!!!
what amish live near a Ghetto???

Lancaster county is a perfect example! The "original" Amish but lancaster city is a total **** hole. Also, Amish have stands in philadelphia selling produce and stuff

Sent from my flashscan v2
Some pics with the lights on and some of the custom dual projectors with blue demon eyes.
That's nasty. I wish I was up to speed on these mods. I stopped caring when my 3rd gen left me.

Squeaky Wheel