Test hookin out in the field before Scheids

Nothing like a good hayfield holeshot! Been there many a time.:hehe:
I have a done a few practice launches without being hooked to anything in the lot next my house...the neighbors don't appreciate it much, but my property is zoned as commercial so I can do whatever I damn well please and they can pound sand.
Your not supposed to show how us TN boys tune our trucks:doh:

Thats awesome btw... I might know somebody else that has tried that a time or two....sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.
That was 5500 rpms and bouncing on my set limiters.
Does Lamont know you stole his truck?

Truck looks/sounds great. Can't wait to see it pulling at Scheids this weekend :Cheer:
Its staying there till I do more to the bottom end.