Thanks Dan


Smooth Is Fast
May 21, 2006
I recently picked up a 150/180 for my 6.0L and had a hard time trying to decipher the instructions. As a last resort, I contacted Dan to see if he could offer some help. I called him this past Friday and he was in the process of leaving work for the weekend. Needless to say, Dan took some time to explain everything to me on his own time. I just thought I would publicly thank him for taking the time on his days off to help me out with this. He even offered for me to call him if i needed to speak to him. It speaks volumes for what kind of guy Dan is and what kind of company FASS is. Thanks again Dan and FASS.
Thanks my friend! This wasn’t necessary but much appreciated. I know it’s a cliché, but im just doing my job. Ill see ya at Scheid so I can shake your hand in person…..:Cheer: