Thanks Peter and Brian...


Sweet Home
Apr 24, 2007
Thanks Peter and Brian for once again taking care of me! These guys have stepped up numerous times for me to fix some issues I have had! these guys replaced my clutch after 2yrs of use, even though I had problems with it the whole time, we had agreed I would run it and take care of it when I next pulled the tranny, and they did!!!!

Lifetime costumer here!!!!

And please Tell Brian I am sorry for bugging him, Its been a stressful month for me!

I can wait to get this new Dual friction DD installed! I will let let ya'll know after I get the tranny and eveything in!

Thanks again

P.S.- if ya'll are at TS, a beer or 2 is on me!!!
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after a few miles on this clutch......

I have to say, take off is smooth, the truck will actually go into gear.... and backing isnt bad at all, even up hill. but.....sadly there is a but.... the damn thing won't seem to seat, everytime I lay in it in 4th and 5th it slips.... maybe it just needs a few more miles, but its taken longer than any other clutch so far... i used graphite lube on the input, no grease when installing