Timing housing # and qoute


New member
Jan 5, 2010
I will be needing a 12valve p-pump timing housing and parts for my 1st gen swap, i can get a fair price on cummins parts (i think) so if someone can please give me a part number that would save me some time, I found one on EBAY with a part # 3936256 but wasnt sure if thats the right or current number.

I would also be interested on prices for a new or used one from a member or vendor on here.
ptcpower.com part number 3936256
EDIT just checked the part number, they must have changed numbers it didnt come up with anything. they will ask for an esn so if you have one foe a 94-98 they can look it up for you.
good luck
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PM Snedge of Mumau Diesel. He will get ya set up correctly. And Mumau Diesel is the BEST one for Cummins parts.