Tired of Wadeing?

Yes we went 4.33 in the absolute worst part of the hot arse day. Track temps were up there. Perfect day today for horseponies, so we shall see!! "Non COMPLIANT" was picked months ago, b4 the storm. And no, we don't have a plan for No Prep Kings ��, other things in our sights!!!)
WoW is all I can say! Beautiful car and very fun to watch! Winning your first race fresh off the trailer is very impressive. :clap: :Cheer:
Super impressive- I bag on Wade more than most, but the dude gets it done. He has kicked ass in every class he has run in.
Super impressive- I bag on Wade more than most, but the dude gets it done. He has kicked ass in every class he has run in.

The guy has hung in there really hard to get to this point, everyone should send him mad props. I wish I could be in his shoes, dang...