To go dual pumps or not...


New member
Mar 5, 2011
I am wanting to put an end to my dual pump delema once and for all. Should I run dials for a D.D with 150-200 stix and a single s-400 series turbo or stay with a single 60-80% pump

dual look cool too
paint that pump the next time you blow up the motor Dave.

I wanna get my valve cover(s) soon.
Duals... evil twins kit as complete and easiest to install as you can get. Pm for more info
Now the BIG question that will probably get juices flowing::: WHO'S KIT!, and why?
Definitely duals for sure. Even with 90's in my old set up, throwing duals on made a noticeable difference. Just guessing by the seat of the pants meter I would say 50 ish horsepower from the additional pump. Like an idiot I got rid of the kit, and now Im sitting here with a pump in need of a kit. x2 on evil twins kit. Looks awesome.
Duals!! Look at doing relief valves too, for safety of your injectors.
Would running a good modified single get rid of the rail surge at cruising speeds? That's the only thing with my truck I phuckin hate, and I didn't know if anyone had experience with a modded single....