Top 10 Signs of Being Depolyed Too Long


Politically Un-Correct
Aug 4, 2007
10. You wake up at 22:00 and think it's morning.

9. Your brain tells you that [camel] steak in the chow hall you have been eating is now USDA PRIME Black Angus.

8. The Binary System for judging the ladies (or gents in reversed roles for those ladies) is your prime form of sidewalk entertainment.

7. Chow hall food is now, and has always been Mom's home cookin'

6. 12 shower stalls... 11 other extremely hairy dudes in various stages of clothing to the left and right of you seems normal.

5. Zulu is the only time you know how to count on.

4. You have beaten and mastered every X-Box, P.S. 2 & 3 game known to man.

3. HALO 3... Mission Complete!

2. You look to your wrist to see what Zulu time it is... you register 15:00 in your brain... only you lost your watch five months ago.

1. You're in the shower all soaped up, enjoying a good scrub trying to remove the desert dirt from places you didn't know you had.................................................................. And the F'n PA System Siren sounds off tellin' you to take cover..................... You continue showering while the first-timer newbies go streakin [nothin' but towels and flip-flops] for the bunker. :what: :banned: :bang :doh::doh::doh:
Been there, and done that, LOL Don't forget that 120+ in the shade doesn't sound as hot as it used too...

And the water bottle out of the Connex thats 100+ degrees goes down just as fast as Bud Light on Labor Day when its 3 in the afternoon in Iraq.
Ya dude fer sure makes comin back to the states so much better thou. U just feel safe everywhere sep when u see somethin odd on the side of the road its been seven months and I still change lanes. Best of luck man.

Been there, and done that, LOL Don't forget that 120+ in the shade doesn't sound as hot as it used too...

And the water bottle out of the Connex thats 100+ degrees goes down just as fast as Bud Light on Labor Day when its 3 in the afternoon in Iraq.

Shade? What shade? Please tell me/us of this phoenominum!! LOL LOL
#11: You make contact, But would rather just keep standing up making yourself a target because its just too damn hot inside the vehicle to be "Taking Cover".

#12: You sleep through the mortar attack, to be wakened from your much appreciated slumber by some 1st timer private asking whether or not he should sleep in the Bunker tonight.

#13: Hoji food and the resulting port-a-john "aftermath" is more acceptable to you than the T-rats or MR.E's you've been living on for a month plus.

#14: You would rather just sleep in your Vehicle because you know that QRF is inevitable.

#15: You tell the IP Liason to get bent becuase you know if you go out there you will be introduced to the RPK, PKM and RPG Ball in your honor That is staged about a click shy of where they said they were making contact.

#16: You would just about sell your soul for a telephone because you haven't even SEEN one in 5 months. Or, you glady pay the fortune for the AT&T phones to wait in line for an hour+ just to get 3 minutes into your conversation to have the phones go down.

One more:
#17: You've gone 15 days without a shower with only 1 change of uniform, But you feel like a new man when you change your Brown T-shirt and socks.
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#18 when the new guys ask you how hot it is and you say "eh its only 115"

#19 when the ugly chicks are now pretty damn cute and the cute chicks become models

#20 when garrison puts out a memorandum saying "we are tired of being called 'FOBBITs' so please stop"

#21 when you get IDF and you start running towards the flames and smoke in your scivies and shower shoes just to see the new unit that showed up that day running around like headless chickens!

#22 when your sittin in your truck outside an outpost and you see tracer rounds right in front of your window and you turn your truck around just to get a better view of the fireworks

# 23 when you can make up endless games, challenges, and bets that involves throwing rocks!

#24 when you have seen two differnt companies show up in country after you got there and leave before you even go on leave!

#25 when you go on leave and the three things you want first are MILK, EGGS and BEER!

#26 you know you have been in the desert too long when your replacements show up and you move from your CHU's to your tents and find out TOA is one week away and your plane leaves the day after!!!!!

IM COMIN HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stand ON TOP of the bunker to watch out going fire.....'ve ever threated to stab someone over a MRE milkshake..... know the best way to make said milkshake so it actually tastes like a milkshake........ pray you get to go to a big base with a Cinnabon, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Ciano's or any other restaurant cause your just sick and tired of crappy DFAC food.....

#31......outgoing fire from the Paladin helps you sleep.....

#32......laughing at the people that never go outside the gate when you hear them freaking out about having too......

i work with KBR in DS Maintenance......i know the **** you guys got to go through.......

Drinking coffee at 10am when the tempature reads 126 is just a normal day on the line.
#34......anything under 95 is just down right almost requires long sleeves

#35......anything under 115 is a nice day

#36......anything over 140 is hot

#37......controlled det's before while the announce it......."THIS IS A BOOOOOOM!!!!! " know better than to leave anything set outside......even in the shade you know its too hot to touch
#40- you know what time it is back home without having to count in your head.

#41- you've memorized all the bus routes at Balad because you ride them during your day off out of boredom, and are on a first name basis with at least 2/3 of the bust drivers.

#42- you look forward to BX/ PX runs even though you're not going to buy any of that ****.

#43- controlled det's and F-16s on full burner don't wake you up, but that heel- walking asshole on his way past your room does.

#44- you invent rumors to spread (hey guys, our replacements deployed to Guam so we're going to have to do a double rotation to cover for them...).

#45- going to the DFAC on the Army side of Balad is a big deal because there aren't any Air Force fatties over there.

#46- you discover new ways to produce booze.

#47- you discover shortly thereafter that pruno is NOT worth it.

#48- you **** your pants doing 60 MPH for the first time after you return home.
#49 when you wake up in the middle of the night reaching for your IBA and barrett only to realize your at home

#50 hunting is no longer any fun cause the deer dont shoot back

#60 being able to laugh when you almost get your ticket punched thinking that was the **** lets do it again
It's funny to read these because we're all drawing on our own personal experiences to add to the list, and you can tell who's a fobbit and who's been out in the thick of it.

I've been over there twice, am gearing up for a 3rd, and in the reality of things, have zero to ***** about compared to most of you. Even though I've rubbed elbows with you guys over there in the chow hall, rec tents and gym, I still feel the same awe, respect and appreciation towards you as I did before I joined the USAF. Much respect to you guys who go out and kick doors and pull triggers... much respect.
but even we grunts must remember for every one of us there is 20 behind us supporting us so we can do our jobs. mail food fixing trucks doing pay it all needs to be done i just like my job better
#49 when you wake up in the middle of the night reaching for your IBA and barrett only to realize your at home

#50 hunting is no longer any fun cause the deer dont shoot back

#60 being able to laugh when you almost get your ticket punched thinking that was the **** lets do it again
IBA.. Is That Iron Brigade Armory?? The IBA that you speak of........
in the army we call it iba individual body armor your sapi plates and vest

me bottom left second tour with the saw and our iba's