TQ converter lock up????'s


New member
Apr 24, 2006
Ok guys I have tried to figure it out but I just don't get it lol.

What are the advantages or having sya a tune with a tq lock up or without? Does it give you more power if it is locked up.

And you should probaly explain in lamens terms lol.

Thanx guys I am just looking to get some light shed on this for me
When the converter is locked, you put all engine power to the tires. The lock up is great for quick acceleration (drag racing)or laying the smoke to a tailgater. My opinion is that intown, lower speed driving is not fun. The locked converter tends to lug the engine down and makes it hard to accelerate from lower speeds, unless you mash the throttle and make the converter unlock or the transmission downshift.
There have also been times on the highway when traffic seems to speed up and slow down, this to me is a royal PITA. I find myself applying more and more throttle so I can keep up with traffic, the truck will then downshift and take off like a raped ape which is ok so long as I don't ram the guy in front of me LOL
If you are buying a tune, get one version with the lock up and one without, that way if you don't like, or need the lock up program you have a fall back tune with the same power, just a different transmission program.
The lock up is a matter of personal preference so you really need to try it for yourself.
awesome thanx for the explanation it makes sense now. And makes sense to get a program with and without the lock up for the reasons you said thanx again man I will keep that in mind when I order my SCT