Tricks for stuck TV cable release button?


Opulence...I Has It.
Sep 8, 2007
I'm helping with a 47re truck that's never had the TV cable adjusted and I can't get the adjustment button (by the pump) pressed in for the life of me. My old standby method (a pry bar against the fender well forcing a flathead screwdriver up into the button) isn't doing the trick this time and I'm afraid I'm going to break the button.
Any of you pros have a trick for getting one freed up?

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Disconnect the cable end and release it from the throttle assembly by pressing the two external tabs. Then with the cable free and easy to work on, it's simple to press the release and make adjustments. If the cable is severely stretched, grab a lead sinker/split shot out of the tackle box and crimp it on after sliding the plastic end down and out of the way. Just be sure to check that you don't limit overall throttle to the pump/motor by having the TV cable bottom out before true WOT is reached at the pump itself.
Mine was the same way when I first adjusted it. What I did was take some channel locks, taped a small nut onto one end, and used that. Worked like a charm. Nothing broke. And I sprayed some PB Blaster in there and did that a few times and it got better. I still have a hard time just using my fingers, but it is possible now if needed.

The real solution IMO is dropping the pan and adjusting the TV screw. I took a zip tie at the tv input on the trans and kept adjusting it more and more until I loved where it shifted and down shifted under light throttle, then I moved the screw to that point. I've been very happy with my auto trans ever since then.
TV cable is still important to be adjusted correctly!

If it's too loose, the TV will not be 'open' up related to throttle input properly which can result in lower line pressure which can cause the trans to slip.

The TV need to be adjusted to be fully open at full throttle. Then yes adjust the TV screw in the pan on the valve body to get the desired shift points.
Disconnect the cable end and release it from the throttle assembly by pressing the two external tabs. Then with the cable free and easy to work on, it's simple to press the release and make adjustments. If the cable is severely stretched, grab a lead sinker/split shot out of the tackle box and crimp it on after sliding the plastic end down and out of the way. Just be sure to check that you don't limit overall throttle to the pump/motor by having the TV cable bottom out before true WOT is reached at the pump itself.

Man, you just made my day - I was literally logging on to research stretched TV cables.

Alsi, not trying to flatter you too much, but I've fought many a battle with an uncooperative 47RE and I'm convinced that you and Lavon Miller are the only people (that post regularly) who know what the hell you're talking about. Thanks again, and keep the info coming,

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