Valve springs and retainers for high rpm 12v


Poor Boy Puller
Nov 1, 2009
I ve got 12v pulling engine. I come off the line at about 5500 rpm. Im just wondering what valve springs and retainers you other pullers are using and have had good luck with?

I run big spec cam 375 lift with Hamilton springs it made 1380 with a 3.2 charger I seen high as 6100 when I leave the line
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Nick was lucky enough to bust a couple of our locks, I believe he is looking for options other than Hamilton. Nick most people run 60lbsprings under the "150lbs" name with Haisley Ti retainers. Another popular option is Scheids multiple spring setup, but you will have to have the spring pockets machined.

FYI, in 5 years we have had 1 spring break, 3 retainers and 4 locks. Nick, your truck accounts for two of the locks.
FYI, in 5 years we have had 1 spring break, 3 retainers and 4 locks. Nick, your truck accounts for two of the lock

Only one spring in 5 years?
yep, got it on my desk. If any more have broken, it has not been brought to my attention I feel, we have done pretty well considering the hell these things get put through. I don't mean to derail Nick's thread.

Also Nick I did some checking, Industrial also offers a #200 seat pressure spring set that you might look into.
I talked to scheid today and i think ive decided to go ahead and go with their spring setup and have the pockets machined. anyone have any feedback on that?