Very Large P7100 Injection Pump.

How about we play 20 questions and if I can guess the pump by question 20 , i get it?

So what is it? There is 4 MI guys on this thread that already pool money for pumps......
Oh... now i know what pump you are talking about. I wish I had the money but I am broke, someone should make some power with that.
come on Joe ,it is like a new truck you drive it off the lot and lose 5 grand. so you bought it, took it home , drooled on it, now it is classified USED.
Everyone's bumping... no one's brave enough to pony up the refundable $$$. :hehe:
Well the title reads very large P7100 Injection pump. You cannot go bigger than 14s.....
I gotta get in on this, is it.................................... made out of aluminum?

Silver, like bare aluminum, or like somebody spray bombed it fake chrome?

Brandon owns it so spray bombed yes, dropped many times yes, I will give you $1 if U tell me what it is.