Vp vs PPump for towing?


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I havent decided yet but i was kinda wanting the vp back for the street? I had it ppumped with a 66-71-16 on it when it went down taking turbo,head,and pistons.
But i was leaning toward putting a vgt 351 with the fleece controler and laider adding a S472/92/1.10. But i havent heard anyone using the vgt as a twin yet. I got a 351cw that is like new an was thinking about using it in place of the vgt turbo. Then just ppumping it!
So would the vp be better for towing where the timing can change? Or does smarty or timing boxes have them at 24 or 26 degrees most of the time?
Engine has stock flowing head and a small cam. Will be spraying water also.And does the timing boxes what get the vp pumps or shorting life?
Was thinking of a 6 by 12s or 13s injector?
I was hoping to be around 650-700, The ppump is benched