vp44 keys, module ?'s


New member
Jun 26, 2008
I'm trying to put together some vp44 information. Perhaps someone can answer these:

Is there a list somewhere of the various vp44 shaft keys and their respective offset in degrees?

Are there different PSG modules for different applications, or is the module the same part but it gets 'programmed' to the application during the calibration process?

What does the calibration process consist of?

Eventually I'd like to get all of this information put together into some kind of 'vp44 reference' that can be utilized by everyone.

guess mobody has any input for ya. Glad to see you over here also. Ive been watching your progress. Looking forward to more.

Hopefully somebody will chime in and give some info.

Jcutter (tdr)
Most people on here can replace a VP44 and that's about it. Keep the smarty pants questions to yourself.
Jim, I'm trying to get a hold of some people at bosch to ask them some questions about the VP. I'll see what I can get out of them for ya.
Posted this in another thread here.

Pump keys as follows.

PART # 1-463395 Timing number 026 thru 046 .

Just add the number you need at the end of the part number.
Most people on here can replace a VP44 and that's about it. Keep the smarty pants questions to yourself.

dude if your refering to me then you can move on.

I do all the work on my truck and theres quite afew people on here thats seen it.

I think Jim is refering to the different keys, and if theres a difference in the timing that they play. since jims been working on his programming its mainly been about timing i believe thats what he wants to know.

i did check out the other thread, thanks maxtorq
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The cpu will fix the curve if the timing is offset to the pump calibration to a point and if its way off it wont even start ,, done been there and scheid done this years ago , I know were an adjustable pump gear is for a vp but the the cpu will correct it
Thanks rodney.

I believe if jim could find out what each key is (in timing reason) then he could adjust his ecm from there.

If thats what hes trying to do.

I remember that gear came out a while back but only heard of a few people running it.