Wally #4. NHRA King of the Track


New member
Jul 14, 2006
Saturday was a good day! It was the final points race of the year at Redding. I won both the Sportsman race and the King of the Track race. This is my first King of the Track Wally! :rockwoot:

The King of the Track race is held at each NHRA track. The top two people in points at the end of the season, in each class are paired up and run for the Wally (and a really cool hat! :D ). This means that two people from Sportsman, two from Pro, two from Motorcycle, and two from Super Pro, are in the race. I have been in the finals for the King of the Track race before, but have never been able to win against the Super Pro cars. The Super Pro class allows the use of electronics, such as delay boxes, throttle stops, etc. Also remember this is the best two of each of the classes that you are running against.

This makes Wally number 4 for me, and my second gold Wally.

The pickup was running very consistent, and the new owners of the Redding track had it prepped very well. The King of the Track race was finished just before the Street Drags started, so there were lots of fans in the stands. It was amazing how many people were cheering for the diesel pickup to win! As far as I know, no other diesel pickup has won a King of the Track race.

A quick thanks to Source Automotive, DTT and F1 Diesel. Without their support none of this would have been possible. I'm not talking about money, but R&D, tech support, building awesome products, and just plain old good advice.

Wow! Man, those Sobe energy drinks are the bomb when mixed with your talent on the tree.
Soup Nazi said:
Wow! Man, those Sobe energy drinks are the bomb when mixed with your talent on the tree.

Yep, everyone is worth .02 on the tree. I should get a sponsorship with them!

Thanks for the compliments everyone.

One of the cool things about the race, was they were running the Street Drags after the King of the Track race. Lots of people in the staging lanes and in the stands. After each round coming down the return road, almost everyone in the stands was on their feet cheering for the diesel pickup. Seems like people like having diesel pickups, beating up on race cars! :hehe:

Congrats Paul, a few of us went to the track for street legal night and got to see you run befor the street legal races got started. It is pretty cool to see the fans all the way done the track so excited to see a diesel truck do so well.
Even my slow F350 gets plenty of crowd cheers when I go a few rounds of bracket racing. The crowd loves to see a tow rig beating up on the race cars! It used to be that the other racers would take an easy light against a diesel (figuring I would be a duck), but Paul has won so much that nobody takes a diesel lightly any more!

Michael Pliska
Congrats my friend. Surprized they let Super pro run electronics against sportsman, bike and pro in a king of the track race. How many passes now on the old girl? You've got to be over 1200 passes on that truck.
RILES said:
Congrats Paul, a few of us went to the track for street legal night and got to see you run befor the street legal races got started. It is pretty cool to see the fans all the way done the track so excited to see a diesel truck do so well.


Sorry I couldn't chat with you at the track. The track was in a pretty big hurry to run us. The street legal crowd was getting restless... How did you end up doing in Street Legal?

IdahoRob said:
Congrats my friend. Surprized they let Super pro run electronics against sportsman, bike and pro in a king of the track race. How many passes now on the old girl? You've got to be over 1200 passes on that truck.

A little over 1500 passes and ~148,000 miles. They could tell Super Pro to not use their electronics, but we all know how well that would go over! Besides it makes it just that much more fun when you beat them! LOL

paulb said:

Sorry I couldn't chat with you at the track. The track was in a pretty big hurry to run us. The street legal crowd was getting restless... How did you end up doing in Street Legal?

I didn't run, lock up issues, but Chris ran 12.33 and blew a boot on the big end. It was cool to see you beat that last gasser for the Wally.:clap: