water/meth - how much are you going through


Cummins Nut
Mar 28, 2010
Let me start by saying that Im pretty sure I have read every thread about water / meth on here and cummins forum but havent really found a lot of what Im looking for.

Im buying a devilsown stage 2 from a member on comp d and just doing some more homework so that when I do my install I have and know what I need,

What I wanna know is how much are you going through on everyday use empty and loaded, basicly how much per day,week, tank full etc, something down that line. I know there is some differant variables on what nozzles and how many but looking for an average so to speek. So I have a 1 gal bottle that is coming with the kit and I also have a 15-25 gallon tank avaiable as well only problem is no matter what I do its probably going to have to go in my tool box as there is really nowhere else to put it since the pump has to be away from heat,water, road debris etc,
Ley me know your inputs and thoughts,

Also I may run 2 differant tanks, 1 with washer fluid and another of boost juice for just playing, there would be a shut of valve on each tank so I could run either or, what are your thoughts on this,
Thanks in advance and sorry so long
totally different trucks, but when I went to twin turbos, the need for water went away. chargers supply enough air to keep it cool. I was going through just under a quart per pass on the track, and daily driving wasn't using too much seeing as I had the setup coming on at 22 psi. I did start running pure water just before I went twins, was looking for cooling not power. To do this I bought a sink connected reverse osmosis filter off ebay for about 90 bux and would make three gallons at a time, one in the tank, two in bottles behind the seat. would take about 15 minutes to make three gallons.
Thanks for your input milkmaze.
Seriously guys nobody else can give me an aproximent amount they use daily, empty, or loaded,etc
1 gallon is useless. I go though 3 gallons of W/M a week just in my car daily commuting.
If you plan on doing any towing or work, 5 gallons should be minimum. But 15-25g is a LOT of extra weight to haul around (120-200lbs).
Thank you that is exactly what I was looking for. I have the large tank and Im pretty sure its a 15 gallon, I know its a little big but hey I wouldnt have to fill it up very often LOL, I thought that the 1 gallon tank would kinda suck but might use it for 50/50 for playing around.
I'm running an 8 gallon fuel cell mounted in the tool box running an 80/20 mix. 20 being the water. It's 99.8 percent pure methanol. Won't stop till it lays a flame outta the stack. But be careful where you set your levels to come on at. First stage on mine is 17psi and second stage is at 30 psi
80/20 mix. 20 being the water. It's 99.8 percent pure methanol. Won't stop till it lays a flame outta the stack.

96Cummins12v, ignore that very bad advice. (Though, bragging about flames out the exhaust should be hint enough that hes doing something extremely stupid and he doesn't know what hes doing....) :poke:

The entire point of using water with the methanol is because methanol is hygroscopic. The methanol fuel bonds with the water so it won't ignite until combustion completely vaporizes it and separates the two molecules. Running more than 50% methanol leaves raw fuel being injected into the intake and will result in damaging detonation.
Running only 20% water, the guy might as well inject pure methanol since it makes near as much no difference.
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Yeah I know I will be running washer fluid for cooling purposes and a little bump in power. Im gonna go with a 6 gallon tank, my 14 gallon tank is to big to fit under my bed and still beable to fill it without it being seen and it takes up half of my tool box so Im gonna buy a tank. Labonte has a real nice 11gal tank for under bed mounting so Im gonna look into it a little more as well