What chassis dynos are accurate for diesels?


Anger Issues
Aug 19, 2008
If I remember right I read in the past there are certain chassis dynos that are great for measuring diesel outputs, and others that are no good for accurate #s. Anyone able to shed some light on this for me? Thanks.
brand to brand is like comparing apples to oranges man. you want a load cell style dyno, it can load your truck up to build boost, mustang dyno dynamics, and dynojet all make one type or another. along with other companies.... the other is an inertia style, basically how fast can you spin a 4400lb drum... i dyno'd on a dyno dynamics load cell that some think reads high and hit 300/742.. with same setup i used a mustang load cell that some (including myself) thinks reads low. i did 212 and 497.... then i turned the comp on and went to 292 and 787tq.... if you are looking for difference in mods, use the same dyno from start to finish....