What piston to run...


New member
Mar 5, 2011
I am still debating on running 03-04 pistons or running my factory 06' pistons and having swain coat them for $78 each. Some have mentioned marine pistons????
I just changed from 04.5 pistons to the QSB 480's. I had the nozzles changed to the 8 hole 03-04 style. I'll know how the combination works in a few weeks.:evil
I am gonna try Akadize coating for my 03-04 pistons. I'm curious how it will work out. It's $30 a piston. So certainly cheaper. There is a thread on here about it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while pulling a 36ft gooseneck and not paying attention to the road.
Yea I know there is cheaper coatings but I hear that swain is dam good at what they do, super how much was those pistons bud?
I believe marine pistons are about $1600 a set.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while pulling a 36ft gooseneck and not paying attention to the road.
I just had my Pistons Akadized, I got back one 12 valve piston and my five HO 24 valve pistons! I had to grind the stuff off to get wrist pins in! This stuff is like iron, does not wear off. So waiting to see what happened to my piston and have one 12 valve I can't use!
Somewhere, there is a guy with five 12v pistons and one 24v piston, saying WTF?
QSB480 pistons in my 2.6 truck two season on them in they still look good. Just looked inside it before Scheid. The QSB pistons are double heat treated from factory. Snedge can hook you up with a set. When i got mine from him it was right a a grand.
Do you have to worry about timing going to the 03-04 style piston/nozzle, since the angles are different?
why would you change to the 03-04 style pistions, are they suppose to be a better piston?
Off subject allittle but are the qsb480 pistons good for a ppump 24v puller? I'm still debating on what piston to use in my rebuild this winter
why would you change to the 03-04 style pistions, are they suppose to be a better piston?

The 03-04 pistons are a re-entrant design which improves combustion airflow and reduces the crown temp of the piston.. simply they are harder to melt, where the 04.5-07 stock pistons are easier to melt than any other Cummins piston and are only used in the Dodge application for emissions reasons.. the other high hp ISB's use the 03-04 style.
