You dodge boys better start running scared!!


New member
May 10, 2006
Just kidding!! :poke:

haha thats what i was thinking, someone needs to learn to focus.
If I heard a Ford start turnin that many rpm's then ya for sure I would be running scared!!!
American Ride ran awesome at RC. Too bad she didn't run like this all season, but it's been a constant learning game this year for you guys. Looking forward to next year already.
That thing sounded awesome that nite maybe could of went up a gear then what he did pull
That thing sounded awesome that nite maybe could of went up a gear then what he did pull

Have the get it on the dyno and work on the HP. Then figure out where the truck likes to run for rpm range. This was the first time it spun out all year! Just pumped as we keep seeming to find another little piece to the puzzle. It is just exciting to see how far this truck has come with starting from scratch. We have built stuff on this truck that people told us would not work and was impossible. Hopefully we can find some more power over the winter. I know it is still behind in the HP game but trying.
Take it down to hucks dyno day on the 23rd like to see it on the rollers

At one point that was the plan. Then it wasn't the plan. Yesterday it wasn't the plan. Today Guy mentions that it might be the plan again. So maybe I will see you there.
Yes sir , You read my mind

The information on how is all in your thread, "how to fix wheel hop." Start at post 87 or so. This is not exactly the finished product. We have changed the location of the shocks some. This was just mock up to make sure two shock would fit on both sides. The truck does not run two shock out front on each tire. It does though have a total of 6 shock and steering stabilizers on the front end.

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The information on how is all in your thread, "how to fix wheel hop." Start at post 87 or so. This is not exactly the finished product. We have changed the location of the shocks some. This was just mock up to make sure two shock would fit on both sides. The truck does not run two shock out front on each tire. It does though have a total of 6 shock and steering stabilizers on the front end.

i looked back and all it said was about the manual tranny. But i like the setup you have here i think i might try to throw something like this together for my last 2 pulls that i have this year