California Emissions

true diesel, thank you! that is awsome info. and its completely true. the company i work for runs a fleet of 14 super dumps, end dumps, and transfers, and transports and all but 2 of those trucks need $25,000 in emissions Cr** put on them to meet these emissions. and to be honest we flat out dont have the money and work to spend that much on them... weve had to down size our fleet and were still strugeling, and that dosnt include the 80+ pieces of equipment we have to make payments on...this new law/regulation is B.S. and WILL put alot of businesses out of business.

Your Welcome!
As far as CARB members go you would be down right outraged as to who is in charge. Former PETA, Sierra Club (which is not a real bad environmental club), Cleair (DPF people), and Big oil all sit on the board. So much for Bipartisan. It is all geared at either Profit or extreme regulation to kill population, small business and the right to pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.

When good men do nothing. Evil runs rampant.

I love my country and state. Allot of people talk bad about California (with good reason). However; we as a people are doing nothing to stop it. We got rid of Grey Davis, why not CARB? Why not Legislation? Why not a few other folks?
so i talked with true diesel about doing some LEGAL work to my 2009 ford F-450 and i would like more info than he can provide what can i do that is legal as far as an up-grade? i want to get at least 600 HP (this is my tow rig) iam an old retired man so i have lots of money to spend. ha ha
i will be visiting the northern CA area in a few months and would like to get some work done why iam there any one had good dealings with any shops/stores i would like to go to a place where i can watch/help do these modifications i was a diesel mechanic for 30+ years so i still know some stuff

i would also like to have some work done on my 97 dodge sled puller truck as it will be with me

i am open to all suggestions/ recommendations
so i talked with true diesel about doing some LEGAL work to my 2009 ford F-450 and i would like more info than he can provide what can i do that is legal as far as an up-grade? i want to get at least 600 HP (this is my tow rig) iam an old retired man so i have lots of money to spend. ha ha
i will be visiting the northern CA area in a few months and would like to get some work done why iam there any one had good dealings with any shops/stores i would like to go to a place where i can watch/help do these modifications i was a diesel mechanic for 30+ years so i still know some stuff

i would also like to have some work done on my 97 dodge sled puller truck as it will be with me

i am open to all suggestions/ recommendations

when are you gonna be coming through?
ok i sent you a PM if all goes as planed we should have our shop open by then as of now i only do sales but i have a building its just moving in and paying the bills:woohoo:
ya i got the PM thanks!
we will talk over PM iam very interested in what you had to say/offer
thanks again
so i talked with true diesel about doing some LEGAL work to my 2009 ford F-450 and i would like more info than he can provide what can i do that is legal as far as an up-grade? i want to get at least 600 HP (this is my tow rig) iam an old retired man so i have lots of money to spend. ha ha
i will be visiting the northern CA area in a few months and would like to get some work done why iam there any one had good dealings with any shops/stores i would like to go to a place where i can watch/help do these modifications i was a diesel mechanic for 30+ years so i still know some stuff

i would also like to have some work done on my 97 dodge sled puller truck as it will be with me

i am open to all suggestions/ recommendations

You never answered any of my questions, and you did not say you wanted any LEGAL work. All you did was recognize that I have really poor customer service. Which I am still working on. I am glad to have the chance of being told when and how to improve.
i would also like to have some work done on my 97 dodge sled puller truck as it will be with me

i am open to all suggestions/ recommendations

J & H performance have an excellent reputation with Diesel Performance and most diesel power plants. True Performance Diesel has good experience with bolt on GMC and Cummins parts. Jefferson State Diesel have a good understanding of Powerstrokes and other diesel powerplants, but Like I said to you earlier they don't have much experience with the 6.4l (as most people because allot are still under warranty.),but a whole lot more experience then allot of up and comers. If you could forgive me I can help you. I need feed back to help me be better at this!
Thank You.
thanks but i think iam going to work with Brice at True Performance Diesel
(for my dodge at the least) and he said that we could do my ford very easily with just 3 things and 2500.00 and no one would ever could tell a difference the guy he works with has already done 3 of these trucks and he E-mailed me the dyno sheets 576HP,593HP,602HP getting around 20-23MPG and they have been in the dealer since then and no one has caught the modifications!
great lets talk over PM that way we dont litter the boards
but i / we are open to all suggestions to compliment what will be done

thanks but i think iam going to work with Brice at True Performance Diesel
(for my dodge at the least) and he said that we could do my ford very easily with just 3 things and 2500.00 and no one would ever could tell a difference the guy he works with has already done 3 of these trucks and he E-mailed me the dyno sheets 576HP,593HP,602HP getting around 20-23MPG and they have been in the dealer since then and no one has caught the modifications!

This seems like an advertisement... ... ...:redx: If its not good luck to those mods I know which ones he is doing.
Obviously you don't know much about our shop if you think our claim to fame is Powerstrokes, I do think we are good with them especially 6.0s. I don't know of anyone in our area that has done what we have done with a Cummins.
As far as $2500 and undetectable/legal performance for the 6.4, someone is blowing smoke up your ass, they may know someone at the dealer that will look the other way but it is still illegal.
i do aggree with you i have been to your shop and seen you do things with a cummins that would make peoples head spin

as far as the powerstroke i have 100% faith in this guy he has done it to dodge 6.7 and the new Chevy's as well and has the proof to back it up
I'm sorry but I would trust jefferson state diesel over anyone in the north state. The guys a Jefferson put very one else to under the table.
J&H pretty much got Chris into this game--they did a ton of work on his truck early on ---there's another shop also Ponci's in Fortuna---to be honest I don't know Chris, I do know of him and have met him once I think, but I know Brad Ponci and Joel & Harvey and these 2 shops are excellent---Chris's may be also, but the other two have been at it a lot longer than Chris and there's no way Chris's shop puts these two under the table---but if Chris emulates these two then we will have 3 great shops in N. CAL----chris
I had for got about poncis. Yes i also like Bradshaw work, but I don't have much good to say abou j and h, but to every man his own.
J&H pretty much got Chris into this game--they did a ton of work on his truck early on ---there's another shop also Ponci's in Fortuna---to be honest I don't know Chris, I do know of him and have met him once I think, but I know Brad Ponci and Joel & Harvey and these 2 shops are excellent---Chris's may be also, but the other two have been at it a lot longer than Chris and there's no way Chris's shop puts these two under the table---but if Chris emulates these two then we will have 3 great shops in N. CAL----chris

J&H dose excellent work i have used them before i do what i do now.
as far as Chris and jeremy at Jefferson state i have talked with Chris and talked to MANY satisfied customers they have done some amazing things on there own.

if i had to send someone to one shop or the other it would be a coin toss
both are great
J&H pretty much got Chris into this game--they did a ton of work on his truck early on ---there's another shop also Ponci's in Fortuna---to be honest I don't know Chris, I do know of him and have met him once I think, but I know Brad Ponci and Joel & Harvey and these 2 shops are excellent---Chris's may be also, but the other two have been at it a lot longer than Chris and there's no way Chris's shop puts these two under the table---but if Chris emulates these two then we will have 3 great shops in N. CAL----chris

Chris is originally from Fortuna and if anybody lit the diesel fire in him it was Brad Ponci, Brad has an outstanding shop and does A-1 work. Brad could have claimed Chris' truck also because Chris used to run a Ponci's Diesel Center sticker but Brad never did because he doesn't lie cheat or steal. Brads shop and Brads family are second to none.

J&H did not do a ton of work on Chris' truck ever! Chris bought parts from them and did all the work himself, they just claim it for the free advertising, there is a HUGE differance between selling parts and doing the work. Joel did build Chris' first transmission but when it wouldn't shift right and Joel couldn't fix it, J&H told him a manual valvebody was the only solution, so Chris had to do it himself and that is the total extent of their labor.

J&H couldn't keep a head gasket in Joe Higuera's truck or tune a 13mm pump and big twins past 600hp without spray if their lives depended on it, there is also the remote turbo fiasco that cost Rick Chambers a motor because they didn't have clue one what they were doing.

Why would J&H's experimental engine development tech take hour long test drives???? because he was stopping to see Chris and Jeremy everyday, trying to get a job, the list keeps going...............................
Gary--thanks for the info--some things you never hear--I just knew J&H(I'm guessing you're no longer there) were involved in Chris's truck early on and I figured J&H did the work---hope all is well with ya--chris