CompD Party at SEMA

WE will be driving out early Sunday morning and I mean early! We should be checked in at our hotel early that evening.

Funny Story; my wife booked a hotel room just north of Circus Circus, and on thursday I decided to look it up. I just learned a few things from this.

  1. Always look at the Hotel's website before reserving a room
  2. Read as many reviews from diffrent sources on said hotel
  3. I will never use Priceline again
  4. I will never tell the mother inlaw what I know, from now on!

So I found out that we are not the hotels usual clientele, but since it was late and My wife thought it was a nice hotel. I was going to let her figure it out for herself and quietly laugh while she complains. Well, my first mistake I told her mother... and she went and had my wife recheck the hotel... :lolly: It was hilarious, then she had me try and break the reservation. I had to call the United Arab Emirates and took some pulling teeth to get them reverse the charges. So Priceline blows chunks if you have to contact them for anything. Priceline has other companies like Agobo to do the negotiations. Then I through the ball back at my wife to try and find another hotel this late in the game. :bang

We will see you all there! :lolly:

North of circus circus? Which hotel? East trop hotels are a shady place too depending on what you are looking for
Just sat down for blue man group and they asked my buddy to be a volunteer for the show!! And I'm up $10 on the slots right now.
Man I have been to busy getting ready for next season we just booked our rooms and fly in Monday night.

Stacy just said anyone wearing NHRDA apparel gets a free drink on the NHRDA . We will be at the Hard Rock by 8pm

See you everyone there

I can write out NHRDA in sharpie, does that count?
I merged your thread into the pre-existing one.

Also, you suck. Have a blast everyone.
The search button sucks here. I hate using it. And you will all live.
Y'all better still be up about midnight...I'm rolling out of LA tonight instead of tomorrow. Gonne hit the road by 5...lord knows how long it'll take to clear out of LA but it should be smooth sailing once I do.
Announcement from John Robinson: There is apparently another Hard Rock on the strip, this gathering will be at the Hard Rock Hotel/Casino off the strip, we will meet at the big circular bar in the middle. See everyone there!
Hard rock hotel is on 4455 paradise rd its the NW cor of harmon/paradise

not hard rock cafe on las vegas blvd
We planned to tackle a hall a day we did the south upper hall we spent all day there and ran the last 2 hours I don't know if y'all know this but there are some led light bars at the show ... Hahaha hopefully should be seeing y'all at 8

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Is it wrong when you wake up and your wife says she smells like strippers.