DIESEL POWER Beatings: Crap from 10.96 thread.

all the personal jabs tend to do that to a person.
You sorta brought that on yourself

Nitrous=oxidizer.................. yep

sure what i post may be ignorance, but dont think that i mean what i post, get real here guys. it was just for fun and obvioulsy it has turned sour

i would never get where im at by being that stupid.
Nobody called you stupid, least I didnt

so i guess i will take a step or two back and re-evaluate things.
Good call. You need to work on the public image some...keep that in mind before you click submit

hopefully there are no hard feelings.
None here. I rather enjoy the banter

Not a bad post Wade.
all the personal jabs tend to do that to a person.


sure what i post may be ignorance, but dont think that i mean what i post, get real here guys. it was just for fun and obvioulsy it has turned sour

i would never get where im at by being that stupid.

so i guess i will take a step or two back and re-evaluate things.

hopefully there are no hard feelings.

I don’t think you are ignorant. But what’s my opinion
compared to that of thousands of others?
sure what i post may be ignorance, but dont think that i mean what i post, get real here guys. it was just for fun and obvioulsy it has turned sour

i would never get where im at by being that stupid.

One thing...if you're joking (which I don't think you were, but that's beside the point) and you KNOW that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE won't take it that way, why open your mouth and prove their point for them?? Then, once you figure out how big a mess you are in, you decide to tell everyone you were joking...a bit too late for that I'm afraid!

If this were the first time you've done this, things might also be different;)

I thought Wade made a pretty good post too. If in fact, it was as he says "for fun" then I've been truely fooled..

You got me, Wade!

I'm so :eek:wned: :hehe:

I guess we will see only the smart and all knowing Diesel Power from now on.
big difference, i hide behind my results, he hides behind the moterator status, and has no results.
You really need to read what you write..........." i hide behind my results "
That sounds like something " The Tim " would say after a hard nite of cooler racing.:hehe:
CC12V said:
You really need to read what you write..........." i hide behind my results "
That sounds like something " The Tim " would say after a hard nite of cooler racing.:hehe:

Nah, I talk crap to the point of getting my ass whipped and hide behind "The" Hellmann. He is a big sary looking fella
Tim, I agree. That Hellman is a scary looking motha. I heard that man looked at the devil and made him blush. (Don't beat me Joe, only kidding. LOL) Hide behind him all you want. I aint comin' after ya.

While being just slightly hesitant to reply to all this crap... fellas, I agree. There is no way you can spout that much consecutive nonsensical dribble and then say "just kidding" and make it all go away. I don't buy it.

Sir, you have a long history of shameless self promotion, screwball technical advice and posts exhibiting what can only be cleanly termed as tom-foolery (some substitute ignorance). The steaming vat of fresh poo that every misspelled post is soaked in can clearly be smelled from many quarter miles away. I find it hard to believe you suffer from such a severe case of Dissociative Identity Disorder that the personality that actually makes sense only rears its head after many tire of the lesser personalities ramblings. Its all the same Diesel Power.

If this really is a change of heart, rest assured people will notice. Somehow I see us back to a thread like this by next week, if it takes even that long. Prove me wrong.
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Sir, you have a long history of shameless self promotion, screwball technical advice and posts exhibiting what can only be cleanly termed as tom-foolery (some substitute ignorance). The steaming vat of fresh poo that every misspelled post is soaked in can clearly be smelled from many quarter miles away. I find it hard to believe you suffer from such a severe case of Dissociative Identity Disorder that the personality that actually makes sense only rears its head after many tire of the lesser personalities ramblings. Its all the same Diesel Power.

Steaming vat of fresh poo?

*wipes tears from eyes from laughter*

Amish Elegance said:
Tim, I agree. That Hellman is a scary looking motha. I heard that man looked at the devil and made him blush. (Don't beat me Joe, only kidding. LOL) Hide behind him all you want. I aint comin' after ya.

While being just slightly hesitant to reply to all this crap... fellas, I agree. There is no way you can spout that much consecutive nonsensical dribble and then say "just kidding" and make it all go away. I don't buy it.

Sir, you have a long history of shameless self promotion, screwball technical advice and posts exhibiting what can only be cleanly termed as tom-foolery (some substitute ignorance). The steaming vat of fresh poo that every misspelled post is soaked in can clearly be smelled from many quarter miles away. I find it hard to believe you suffer from such a severe case of Dissociative Identity Disorder that the personality that actually makes sense only rears its head after many tire of the lesser personalities ramblings. Its all the same Diesel Power.

If this really is a change of heart, rest assured people will notice. Somehow I see us back to a thread like this by next week, if it takes even that long. Prove me wrong.

Amish... can I just marry you for your writing skills? Seriously that sh*t is brilliant. Do you have a single twin brother minus the hat and the mules? lmao
:clap: :bow: (then again, maybe nevermind the twin part... since I have no clue what you look like, just gimme one cut from the same grammatical mold ;) ) And in the words of Paris Hilton's amazing grammar, "THAT'S HOT"
Timbeaux38 said:
Keep talking about moderators, and we will hide your screename from use.

honestly this whole thread was F-ing halarious until i read this and got pissed off. i do understand that this is your site and all. but the way i have been seeing things lately is once a thread gets some what off track a moderator takes it and changes it into something about Wade. sure Wade has alot of fun on here, but when he's not on any website for a period of time they get really slow. he does keep it lively.

but back to my rant. throwing the whole moderator thing around like that is ridiculous to me. as i read it the one moderator wade commented about came up with his own wise crack first.
really i am normally the quiet helpful type, but heck if you want to hide my username for commenting on a moderator fine.
rant off
So you are saying that it is cool that Wade gets to derail no less than 3 threads in a weeks time and question moderators in public? You know as well as I do that Wade walks a thin line and saying that one of our Moderators "hides behind his modertor status" is over said line. If you personally dont like seeing public warnings about forum behavior, I suggest you talk to your partner about how he posts. I'm sure you would probably go on the defensive if I showed up in your house and started talking crap about one of your employees/co-workers. Maybe in the future, I wont have as much patience and axe people more often. Ask any one of the Moderators and they will tell you that the ONLY reason Wade is here is because I have told them NOT to put him on permanent ban unless I say so. I get several PM's every week from other members asking me to ban him or restrict his privileges, so I think what I did was actually pretty dang nice given the alternatives.
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And by all means refrain from nicknaming them "Little Hitler" lol
Timbeaux38 said:
So you are saying that it is cool that Wade gets to derail no less than 3 threads in a weeks time and question moderators in public? You know as well as I do that Wade walks a thin line and saying that one of our Moderators "hides behind his modertor status" is over said line. If you personally dont like seeing public warnings about forum behavior, I suggest you talk to your partner about how he posts. I'm sure you would probably go on the defensive if I showed up in your house and started talking crap about one of your employees/co-workers. Maybe in the future, I wont have as much patience and axe people more often. Ask any one of the Moderators and they will tell you that the ONLY reason Wade is here is because I have told them NOT to put him on permanent ban unless I say so. I get several PM's every week from other members asking me to ban him or restrict his privileges, so I think what I did was actually pretty dang nice given the alternatives.

so why did amish have to edit your post?

you know i love ya tim LOL
*** Shakes head. ***

I edited the post because there was a missing period at the end. Every now and then I pop in and do that for members. I've had it done for me on occasion and was grateful. Makes us look smart(er). You, on the other hand, used up any free grammar corrections within your first 2 posts here. I ain't got time to buy the tapes titled "Learn to Read and Edit Diesel Power in 10 Easy Steps." :hehe:

Trust me, Tim could have told you a great many things with any combination of four letter words and I wouldn't touch it. His site, he can say what he wants.
so why did amish have to edit your post?

you know i love ya tim LOL

Because in my hurry to leave work, I mispelled some stuff. You would know all about that right?

He has my back just like Robert has yours when no one else will take up for you :hehe:
And in a stunning turn of events, the table has been set for the first ever tag team deathmatch. :pop::pop:

God help us all
Timbeaux38 said:
So you are saying that it is cool that Wade gets to derail no less than 3 threads in a weeks time and question moderators in public? You know as well as I do that Wade walks a thin line and saying that one of our Moderators "hides behind his modertor status" is over said line. If you personally dont like seeing public warnings about forum behavior, I suggest you talk to your partner about how he posts. I'm sure you would probably go on the defensive if I showed up in your house and started talking crap about one of your employees/co-workers. Maybe in the future, I wont have as much patience and axe people more often. Ask any one of the Moderators and they will tell you that the ONLY reason Wade is here is because I have told them NOT to put him on permanent ban unless I say so. I get several PM's every week from other members asking me to ban him or restrict his privileges, so I think what I did was actually pretty dang nice given the alternatives.

im not saying that derailing any threads is ok. but in one way or another regaurdless of who does it, they all go that route. i do understand your postion on the said post, but at the same time after being called the village idiot i may take some offense also. not saying hiding behind the moderator staus is the route i would have gone, but if pushed maybe. you have to admit that as much sh** that wade dishes out he gets it back ten fold. so one person repling to ten might get allitle frustrating at times. also not saying that he doesnt deserve it at all, but not all the time. things do get taken out of context quite often though. as you see i do not back him an all that he posts just because i like reading it just as much as the next guy.
as for the people pming you about banning him thats rediculous, if they dont like what he post they dont have to read it, as i dont have to either. but for someone to want another member banned that is crossing a line in itself.
but before these said people start pming you about banning me ill just hold my touge-fingers from now on, on these topics. so i will not reply in this thread again. just voiceing the opinion of the little guys in the crowd.