Going to the NHRA Div 6 finals

Ouch babe! Split the case and see what took a dump! You got me curious.

I am getting a used front differential tomorrow and putting it in, I am going to try and open it up next weekend and see what it looks like. I will post pics.
I'd say you broke the collar. Been there done that. Just put it in 4x4 before you get to the line. At Woodburn I just do it when I pull into the staging lanes. Sometimes they crowd you over to the guardrail with water in the left lane but that's life.
Well I got it out of the truck,this is what it looked like when I opened it up.


And that's what we call giblets. LOL

Don't know whether to say good job & congratulate you or say sorry & offer a beer or hug. LOL
So is there any way to beef it up, any after market parts that can be used? I am only running about 520hp.
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You don't need to beef it up. Just make sure it's in 4wd before you get to the line. It will be just fine.
Well the truck is kicking my ass, I got the new used differential in last week and the drivers side axle seal is leaking. I have spent the last 2 hours beating on the axle stub trying to get it out to replace the seal, tried a slide hammer,ratchet straps/sledge hammer combo and it will not come out*bdh* I guess I am going to have to put it all back together and then next weekend when I have time remove the differential from the truck and split the case:kick:
Damn sounds like you are having fun! A little bit of advice on putting it in 4x4, always back up a few feet once you engage it to make sure that it's in.
I ended up getting it out but the retainer clip broke and damaged the splines on the stub shaft. I spent an hour or so trying to fish the broken retainer clip out of the differential and finally got it, by that time I was not really thinking and started calling around looking for parts. Then it hit me I had the old one sitting in the garage, I took the slide hammer to it and it popped out on the first hit. So I got it back together with the new seal, hopefully the new seal does its thing.
Well I replaced the front Differential last weekend in the truck so we missed the race, but we got down to the track yesterday and took second at the GM Nationals.

