H2O injection

At the Rudys truck jam I noticed what looked to be a hydraulic motor, gear driven on the front of the engine to power the H2O injection.What lubes the hyd. motor? Also I noticed a rule Bilgepump mounted under the front of some of the pull trucks. What do they do?
What part of this post dont you understand dumbass. not once did the op say anything about a inner cooler he was asking about water injection. I'm sorry you can't read so I quoted for you again. The rule pump is running the cooler not the hydro pump
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Tormentor: why be such a d!ck on the Internet? Do you have some pent up rage that is trying to escape, so you have to type mean things to belittle other members? Are you redheaded?
He can't help it. He's from the "Mountain" like a few other douches on here. Obviously reading comprehension isn't his strong suit
You've been back pedaling and covering up your mistakes with so many bullchit technicalities like I never said it couldn't be a water injection pump when it's blatantly obvious you initially proclaimed and chose it was an a/w pump when there was only 2 choices: a/w or H2O injection.

You covered up the retarded notion of using a hydraulic pump for a high volume circulation pump with your "positive displacement will be beneficial with ice water" crap. Then proceeded to explain how taking the restriction off a compressor/pump results in low pressure/high flow.

Lastly, the notion that our knowledge of hydraulics is inferior and that you know much more, to the point of lecturing us, is ridiculous. I've theoretically, computationally, and physically worked with fluid mechanics nearly everyday for the last 3 years and watching you ramble about this chit with hacked together backyard principles is comical. Stop spreading your broscience garbage comments.
You've been back pedaling
Incorrect. Expanding on details is progression, not retraction.

bull**** technicalities like I never said it couldn't be a water injection pump
Ah, so citing specifics is "bull****" to you?

You covered up the retarded notion of using a hydraulic pump for a high volume circulation pump with your "positive displacement will be beneficial with ice water"
Sorry, that is false information.

Then proceeded to explain how taking the restriction off a compressor/pump results in low pressure/high flow.
That is correct information.

Lastly, the notion that our knowledge of hydraulics is inferior and that you know much more, to the point of lecturing us
is a proven fact, correct.

I've theoretically, computationally, and physically worked with fluid mechanics nearly everyday for the last 3 years
Oh WOW, 3 WHOLE YEARS?!? You must be a master by now!
Come back when you have an additional 7 under your belt.
You could tell him the sky is blue, the sun is hot and ice is cold and he would argue that they weren't... And in the process use the words "troll" "idiot" and "moron" 40 times

from phone
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And in the process use the words "troll" "idiot" and "moron" 40 times

Well said! How about if you use the words troll, idiot, moron, or some other belittling term regarding another member of this site ONE MORE TIME you'll be banned permanently? Life's a b!tch, huh?
Isn't WUnderwood cute when he makes "threats"!
If you're so hard on for "rules", how about you enforce them on the trolls first. Or how about the "moderator" who vandalized my profile?
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Is Someone Making Idle Threats Again

Swing Batta Swing!
I'm sorry, there are too many cars driving over your bridge, I can't hear you, please speak up!

Aww, that means you chickened out and let someone like me, a petty know nothing troll get to you?

And I thought I was the one who needed a break from you!
The big question is... Did u get the answers you needed from the original post? Most of the people around here want too step up and educate people that don't know the answer some just want too argue and be a jackwagon. If u are not sure ask again and stand up guys will answer and get u what you need. Sorry your thread got wrecked but things happen in ConpD. :)
Not to get caught up in all of this muck, but is there a real advantage to running a mechanical pump over an electrical one? Seems like the less equipment attached to the the crank, the better. And if you need more flow, just add another pump. I even went electric for an evac pump.