Hypermax goes 6.69 @216

Totally agree, this sideline circus act is taking away from one hell of a run! Greg, I hope people that are sponsoring you see you for what you are, and stop allowing you to act this way. You have proven you can't build a car on your own funds, and barely with help from sponsors. Leave well enough alone!
I never saw Max on here slinging mud at people. He was too busy setting records and building his company to engage in this BS. I'm so disgusted that a thread meant to congratulate Hypermax has to turn into this.

Max is looking down on all of us now, building custom turbo's and pumps for The Good Lord's tractor puller. They're hookin next week, just outside the pearly gates.
Well any thread that wade comments on , turns to this crap, especially if 2tone sees it. It then becomes paragraphs of BS!