II CP3 modded Pump VS. a bag of parts

i just installed my my 2nd stage 2 ii pump in my twin pump system today and let me tell you fueling is awesome.i have 90ml injects and rail psi never drops below 25000.
What a stupid way to try and get any support.
To out right bash another diesel enthusiest should be a straight up BAN from this site. But I don't make the rules.
I can say that I will never have an II pump, Arson kit, darkside pump, or even ARP studs thanks to this thread showing me who these people REALLY are.
Shane: I'm sorry you had to try and protect your product, but you could have done it more proffesionally.
Greg: What a joke you have showed yourself to be.
Brady: Never should have gotten into this.
Darkside: Never should have gotten into this.
Like I said, none of you will ever get a recommendation or a phone call from me. Reading this was like watching a bad soap.
I can't control what other people do and the politics that is involved. I did not post here to bash anyone. I tried to stay focused on our products as our product was being brought up. You on the other hand have tried to bash me. Wickediesel promotes his kits as an equivalent to our modified pumps. This is absolutley NOT true.
ThatGuy: It's all about ones point of view. For the record, I did not ask this thread to be started.
...and just as Greg seemed to be on his way out the tool shed.:hehe:

As long as we have more than one person trying to sell a product to the masses, we'll have vendor bashing.

The adage, "let your product do the talking" seems only to work for, tickle me elmo.:hehe:
Pathetic, you sound like the school bus ( the short one) bully with that statement.
Is that a picture of you in your avatar shane?:hehe::hehe:

Oh yea, advertiseing your products will get you more bussiness IF you knew how to go about it the right way. Crying about the phrase " box of parts" shows true intelligence. No really it does!

Its not me, I think its Tony Stewart in the picture. Well, WADE it is a box of parts. If it is you Robert, you once posted on Cummins Forum what a great idea the Arson kit was, and "keep up the great work guys". I can provide a link if you like. If you guys are leading innovation, then why do you only install what everyone else makes, where is the innovation in that? I am sure that those who you support, really appreciate your efforts.
Wicked don't argue with these guys, everyone I talked to with your kit loves it. Their right the pump is a foundation for a build up, But not everyone is looking for the kind of power some of these guys are building.There building daily driven street trucks that run well, and they are pleased with your kit. I love coming on this site, there is a lot of good info if you listen to the right people. But their is alot of self proclaimed experts on hear also, who think thier the sh**.
Well, WADE it is a box of parts. If it is you Robert, you once posted on Cummins Forum what a great idea the Arson kit was, and "keep up the great work guys". I can provide a link if you like. If you guys are leading innovation, then why do you only install what everyone else makes, where is the innovation in that? I am sure that those who you support, really appreciate your efforts.


i dont have a 3rd gen but from an outsiders point of view, this "kit" is kind of like a plate and gsk for a 12v, inexpensive, gives good results back yard mechanic can do it in the driveway. on the other hand the full upgraded pump is like removing the ppump and having it benched. gives better results but cost a lot more. i think it is a great idea, you need to offer what all the consumers are looking for, not just the all out hp nutz

Reading through this I thought the same thing. Two different roads, to two different places. Of course they are different.
I've never heard Shane say that his Arson kit was the same as II's stage 2 pump, allthough it would and does compare to another companys modded pump. The Arson kit is the basic same componets in EVERYONE"S modded pump, from there other companys do their different tricks to make it flow more and some do the FCA part a little different than others but its the same principle. It adds some flow "LPH" but it's main part is that it adds more fuel to the lower part of the RPM band and helps with the pressure ramp rate to keep up better with aggresive performance boxes. The Arson Kit IMO is the start of a good foundation that every modded pump has to have.

We now have the capability to run modified CP3 pumps with modified injectors on our new teststand. What this gives you is a proof of delivery and performance. We can print off the results of the tests performed. This give you assurances that you have the fueling to make your hp goal. As always our mods. have been tested and proven. We do rebuild C/R injectors and CP3's in house. We can run 6 injectors at a time and tweek them to be a perfect matched set. Our mods are much more than 3 parts. Many people have called and asked if we would sell some parts. Yes we can. To buy C/R parts from Bosch you must be an authorized service center for C/R (DSD). We are an authorized Bosch DSD for Common Rail and have the largest inventory of C/R parts and complete Injectors/CP3 pumps in the country. Dodge C/R Injectors new from Bosch have dropped in price by Bosch and by us at IIS since January 1st. Hope this helps you in any way. Thanks

Biting tongue, there...thats better
Don it's nice to see you chime in. Again

Maybe I have a weird form of make believe or somethin', but this old redneck heard there was a rumor floating around that I was "full of S" and "he cant rebuild CR injectors" A few minutes later I boxed up another set......lol
I heard you have been doing a good job with them. Good for you. By the way what kind of teststand do you use?
imo, equipment is only as good as the operator. proof is in the puddin!
Its not me, I think its Tony Stewart in the picture. Well, WADE it is a box of parts. If it is you Robert, you once posted on Cummins Forum what a great idea the Arson kit was, and "keep up the great work guys". I can provide a link if you like. If you guys are leading innovation, then why do you only install what everyone else makes, where is the innovation in that? I am sure that those who you support, really appreciate your efforts.

Yes i did say that and i still think it's a great idea, there selling right?

You came into the diesel scene way too late to have seen any of the leg work we did a few years back that has helped push diesel motor sports to where it is today. modded cp3's, modded injectors and bad ass big single chargers we helped design, test, and mold a product that You now use way befor anyone even knew they were coming. Do a search on TDR for diesel power, and enjoy some informative reading.

No one is picking on you, you came on here on your own accord, just because comp said " bag of parts" you felt obligated to defend yourself. So if thats all it takes then so be it. dont get upset.

BTW "innovators" like your self should be paying to advertise if you want to push your products on this forum.