nitrous guys


New member
Jun 20, 2013
Alright guys so I keep hearing the VP loves the baby bottle so I have recently looked into to help me get into the 11's... I have mach 7's, super b special, edge for fuel and air. I ran a 12.6 at 43 pounds of boost with a leak. I have since fixed the leak and truck is much stronger now but haven't had time to run it. I'm wanting to run the nitrous express 150 HP kit but my only worry is the amount of extra fuel needed to hit the 11's and get all the power out of the nitrous. Everyone I have talked to say the 7's are better off with twins but my special just about cleans them up to a dark haze. EGT's get hot quickly but that's it. What's everyone else's thoughts?
I use to run Mach 6's with a 62/71/14. Ran 12.7-12.8 on fuel and 11.9x with nitrous.
Kit I put together myself. Trashcan solenoid with two nozzles. It took quite a bit of nitrous, I want to say around two 100 jets.

I switched to twins and ran 12.2-12.3 on fuel and 11.9x with only a 60 or 70 jet.
Did you have extra fuel to work with after you put the twins on? That's really what I'm worried about...
The only problem I see is your going to overdrive the crap out of that superb. Unless you have an external gate.
if its the small superb your thinking of its not... its the 64.5...
Truck ran completely clean with the twins, not even a haze. Still picked up almost 3 tenths with a small shot.
nice that makes me feel better because i defiantly have a haze still. thanks man
If you run hot now be careful you will run allot hotter with nitrous. (At least that is my experience) will even be "hotter" if you are overdriving the piss out of your turbo.
I'm pretty sure nitrous actually cools a diesel engine? Maybe I'm wrong...
Not if you dont have extra fuel to burn and a charger being overspun like crazy.
I do have extra fuel just didn't know how much you needed to get me where I am. Seen another post from awhile back guy had mach 7's just like me... Dynoed 541 with the smoke almost cleared up. With a big shot did over 850. Now I don't want all that I just want a .093 shot to get me into the 11's. How hard is an external gate to put in the manifold? Or would anyone recommend bumping up to like an s465 instead?
They can be sprayed without a gate but I personally will not do it. JLBAYES actually just installed a gate on his manifold IIRC. Several have done it on here though. Machine a hole, preheat the manifold, weld, cool extremely slow with welding blankets or sand.
This is the first time I have heard this. Is this REALLY necessary for a 150 shot?
If you dont want to get a new manifold with gate port, or weld one into yours, you could use a wastegate spacer in between your manifold and turbo. I dont think they work the greatest but it might be good enough to get you by.
I'd risk running it. Just make sure the gate is opening all the way, and keep an eye on boost. If it goes above 45-50psi you're going to be pretty much at your limit. Also wouldn't trigger it below 15-20psi. If you're a VP you won't be turning that many rpm to begin with.
well Jamie at CPP made his highest horsepower with his special at 63 pounds of boost. BD claims the special is at its best around 55.. so ill just keep in mind about everything. can you adjust the wastegate down on the special to say 40 psi then run nitrous? would that even help?