Ohio TS convoy

Coon Smile, I'm not sure. I'll have to ask. Garrett was hauling azz with the trailer. Joel we'll have to see where I end my day on Thursday. I may try to stop down and watch. What time will you be at KilKare? I've never tried to drag race and even from the stands the Pro tree looked intimidating.
So for those with CB's what were truckers going the other way or those that you passed saying if you heard anything?
That's hilarious where the dude blocked traffic to let you all enter the highway. It makes sense I guess, since it wouldn't cause too much of a jam for the cars to stop, but all those trucks in a line waiting would piss people off more I would think.
thanks for doing the video!!! its awesome its now gonna be on my myspace page!!! yeah chris was moving I had to get the olgirl runnin hard cause chris gets moving in a hurry!!!! lol

I HOPE ALL OF YOU LIKED THE SHIRTS!!!!! I THINK THEY WERE A HIT..... we have gotta do this again!!!!!!

HOOB I think it was keplinger that had the red D-max on the trailer.... I have a few pics of him pullin if you want them... I would post them but they are too big and I cannot re-size them acutally I have alot of pics that could use re-sized!!

Hey this is matt i log in as hoob every once in a while...i was the one with the red duramax which was on the trailer being pulled by the powerjoke....hoob is the one with the blue dodge dually that came late. keplinger wasnt even able to come.
IMO nice video visually, but yet another one of many on the net with unnecessary music that ends up ruining it because you can't hear the trucks.