
You need to open up the center bore of the welded insert. The torque converter center hub has a machined shoulder that will not allow both flex plates to ride the hub. Typically the insert center is opened up before it's welded to the original flex plate.

And as stated, you don't need to weld with you use a 47-48 re-rh double flex plates with the outer ring gear removed.





I wanted to go ahead and throw one last pic on here, my son is on a little tighter budget than myself. So, when we read on here about the flexplates cracking, we hunted up a billet flexplate at $450. Instead of buying the billet, we cut down an old plate from an A518 we had laying around and welded it to the other complete flexplate. Were not sure it will work, but, sometimes you just gotta try???

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One last question, did the 47rh 4x4 weigh 197 lbs without the converter or with the converter?

What about the powerglide, is that 119 lbs without the converter?

One last question, did the 47rh 4x4 weigh 197 lbs without the converter or with the converter?

What about the powerglide, is that 119 lbs without the converter?


Both trannys were weighed without the converters. I should have weighed the converters as well. I can pick the 13" non-lockup right up no problem. The super single we bought for the 47rh is a struggle.

Thanks for the info on the flex plates. We'll have to get it back to the machine shop and have it cut out.

A question back at ya. We tried to install the flex plate this evening and the flexplate is pulling tight to the flywheel housing. The truck was previously a manual trans. Do we need a spacer between the flex plate and the crank?
man this thing looks like it will launch nice .... almost a Gasser look goin on here ...... been thinking about a move to the east coast ... y'all have diesel running through ur veins like me ..... I think its time to pack up and move out

Yep, it certainly does resemble the 'ol Gasser days. The stance has changed a little since those photos. She'll still ride high in the front, just a little bit closer to the ground. lol

And Yes, my wife, kids, and myself are all Diesel Junkies. We even have a Rhino with a diesel. Yanmar diesel into '06 660 Rhino - Yamaha Rhino Forum - Rhino Forums.net
Manual and auto tranny use the same adapter housing and no, you don't need a spacer for the flex plate. The stepped portion of the flexplate steps rearward away from the motor.
I think we got the flex plate interference problem figured out. Apparently, when the two pieces were welded together, it changed the profile just enough to rub the flywheel housing. When the converter is bolted up, she clears just fine.

Thanks for the help.
Well, the boy just broke his right femur. He is absolutely my right hand man. I live a father's dream working with my son and it just kills me to see him in so much pain. We had to drive him to the hospital in the wife's '09. The interstate is pretty rough so the 60 mile trip to the ER was pure agony. It was a good clean break so the surgery should only take an hour. They just took him in.
Prayers to your son for a quick recovery.

Very cool build! Hope everything goes ok from here on out.
Well, the boy just broke his right femur. He is absolutely my right hand man. I live a father's dream working with my son and it just kills me to see him in so much pain. We had to drive him to the hospital in the wife's '09. The interstate is pretty rough so the 60 mile trip to the ER was pure agony. It was a good clean break so the surgery should only take an hour. They just took him in.

That sucks man! How old is he?

My little brother broke his. He was up and running in a week. They put 2 rods bent like this )( inside the femur. The bow from one side pressed up against the opposite side. After it fully healed they pulled them out. Painful but he was up and running in 2 weeks. No cast.
Craig is 18. We've done the broken bone deal twice before. This ones just the biggest and most painful. He said the 'ol 01 CR250 jumped back to neutral about half way up a pretty good double. He back sided the second mound and went over the bars. He's probably hit this jump a hundred times.

Thanks for the kind words. I hope he's up and running pretty quick. We are in the process of installing a 47rh into his 1st gen so he can race at an event in Maryland in October. He just had a 14mm head put on the old ve. I'm not against making him a hand throttle if need be.
Craig is 18. We've done the broken bone deal twice before. This ones just the biggest and most painful. He said the 'ol 01 CR250 jumped back to neutral about half way up a pretty good double. He back sided the second mound and went over the bars. He's probably hit this jump a hundred times.

Thanks for the kind words. I hope he's up and running pretty quick. We are in the process of installing a 47rh into his 1st gen so he can race at an event in Maryland in October. He just had a 14mm head put on the old ve. I'm not against making him a hand throttle if need be.

Hope he gets better and you get the truck done. Do you plan on having the 14mm pump done by them to id love to check it out.
Yep, pump is done and ready to install.

Craig broke the leg a little before 4:00PM. We got him here just after 4:30. They were taking him to surgery at 7:30PM. Around 8:00PM, they come out and tell us another trauma has come in that needs immediate attention and they are going to delay Craig's surgery +\- 3 hrs. I knee jerked and asked why they couldn't get another trauma surgeon coming? I for sure got some smoke blowed up my hiney so at the moment I'm stewing over just how important the financial department of this hospital thinks my son is. I may be way off base here, but, I believe it's all about the almighty dollar! Am I wrong?

They made the first cut at 11:00PM. We are waiting. This is considered one of the top hospitals in WV.
Oh man ..... that sucks ..... hope all gets better soon ..... wanna see some posts about his 1st gen ....build pics ?
The boy came out of surgery at 1:35AM. It is now 10:50AM and all seems to be well. He is sporting a 10mm OD with #5 ID Titanium tubing piece about 18" long. Unless it bothers him in the future, it will be a permanent fixture.

Oldestof11, you are correct. No cast, on his feet, and he can do all he feels like dong, which ain't much right now.